God expects us to make simple calculations with the numbers that He gives us in the Scriptures. Why else would God give us numbers in His Holy Word if we are not supposed to use them ?
Matthew 24:15-21
Jesus said in His Olivet Discourse, "WHEN ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the Prophet..........THEN let them which be in Judea flee into the mountains......For THEN shall be Great Tribulation...."
This Scripture tells us that the Jews of Judea should flee to the mountains to escape from the Great Tribulation which will be caused by the abomination of desolation that Daniel speaks of. So, what does Daniel have to say about the abomination of desolation that begins the Great Tribulation which the Jews in Judea should flee from ?
Daniel 12:11
Daniel says, "And from the time ......the abomination that makes desolate is set-up , THERE SHALL BE 1,290 days." So, there is our first number given for us to calculate with.
We are told in the Book of Revelation that 1,260 days of the 1,290 days are dedicated to protecting the Woman in the wilderness on earth from the presence of Satan on earth. We are also told that the raptured Church is in heaven for those same 1,260 days. Therefore, we are told that the 1,260 days BEGIN WHEN the woman is safely in her place in the wilderness on earth, and BEGIN WHEN Satan is cast down to earth for his 1,260 days of authority on earth, and BEGIN WHEN the Church is raptured to heaven for those 1,260 days . The 1,260 days END WHEN the Lord Jesus returns to earth at his Second Coming .
When you subtract the 1,260 days from the 1,290 days it leaves a balance of 30 days which PRECEDE THE EVENTS of the 1,260 days. What happens in those prior 30 days which BEGIN WHEN the "abomination that makes desolate is set-up" ? These 30 days are the time given to the Jews to flee into the safety of the mountains BEFORE the 1,260 day long Great Tribulation of the whole world WILL BEGIN.. Next year the 1,290 day-count will begin on March 23, 2021. The 1,260 day-count will begin on April 22, 2021.
According to Your Word, come Lord Jesus !