Garry B (26 July 2020)
"RE: REPLY TO :Lewis B RE: post 7-19-20"


Dear Lewis,


You must know that it was the Apostle Paul, who was the one who revealed and taught the mystery of the rapture event to us in his gospel, and was therefore teaching the rapture event according to :


2 Thessalonians 1:7-10

"And to you who are troubled REST WITH US WHEN  THE LORD JESUS SHALL BE REVEALED FROM  HEAVEN WITH HIS MIGHTY ANGELS,...........WHEN  HE SHALL COME TO BE GLORIFIED IN HIS SAINTS,  and to be admired  in all them  that believe in THAT DAY." 


First Paul says, "REST WITH US WHEN", ie. he is calling all believers to GOD'S REST which happens at the rapture event. Next Paul says, "WHEN HE SHALL COME TO BE GLORIFIED IN HIS SAINTS" , ie. He will give us saints our glorified bodies "WHEN HE SHALL COME" ......."IN THAT DAY" of the rapture.  Paul then continues on to write more about "THAT DAY" of the rapture in :


2 Thessalonians 2:2-3 

".....that THE DAY OF CHRIST is at hand.......For THAT DAY shall not come...."


Paul is clearly teaching the rapture event as “THAT DAY". Paul is clearly NOT teaching the Second Coming event ! 


Yes, THE CHANGE  of those who are alive from mortal to immortal will happen in an instant, but the Scripture ALSO tells us that it will happen LAST AFTER the dead are raised FIRST,  and AFTER the Lord Jesus descends from heaven "WITH A SHOUT WITH THE VOICE OF THE ARCHANGEL",  and AFTER the "TRUMPET OF GOD " sounds off some blasts.  That clearly does NOT describe a quiet event to me !




Garry B