Garry B (19 July 2020)

"THAT DAY" IS MISSING............

The following Scripture was given by Jesus Himself BEFORE He was crucified and resurrected to heaven to sit at HIS FATHER’S right hand:

Matthew 24:36

"But of THAT DAY and hour knoweth no man , no, not the angels of heaven , but MY FATHER ONLY."

Then the following Scripture was given by Jesus Himself AFTER He was resurrected to heaven to sit at HIS FATHER'S right hand:

Revelation 3:3

"If therefore you shall not watch I will come upon you as a thief,  and you shall not know WHAT HOUR I will come upon thee."  ( "THAT DAY" is missing,  now it is only "WHAT HOUR" ) 


BEFORE Jesus resurrected to heaven to be with the Father HE DID NOT KNOW WHAT DAY AND HOUR the rapture would happen,  but AFTER  Jesus resurrected to heaven to be with the Father  in heaven  He was then informed by the Father as to what will be  "THAT DAY AND HOUR"  of the rapture according to :

Revelation 1:1

"The REVELATION   of Jesus Christ which GOD GAVE UNTO HIM to show unto His servants........."  

Did Jesus show His servants "THAT DAY” of the Rapture? He certainly did show us "THAT DAY" of the Rapture, in the Book of Revelation.  He did not show us "THE HOUR" of the Rapture because he wants us to watch for "THE HOUR" according to Revelation 3:3.  

According to Your revealed Word, come Lord Jesus !