F.M. Riley (19 July 2020)
"The Lie, The Liars, and The Penalty For Liars"

The Lie, The Liars, and

The Penalty For Liars

                      By Pastor F. M. Riley

                                                           July 13, 2020

     "But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death," Revelation 21:8. 


     I cannot speak for the readers of this study, but I despise being LIED to by anyone.  I grew up in a Christian home, and was taught from my childhood to be honest about everything, and with everyone.  This was a rule in my home.  If me or any of my siblings, LIED to my parents, we received a loving "butt busting," and were told in no uncertain terms, that a worse one would come the next time we LIED about anything. Such loving discipline is almost forgotten in homes today.  But it is still plainly  instructed in God's Holy Book; the Bible.....


     "He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes," Proverbs 13:24.

     "Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child;  But the rod of correction shall drive it far from him," Proverbs 22:15. 

     Now all of the "Dr. Spock" mamas reading this,  just hold on, before you let your mouth cause you to sin.  These two Scriptures, like it or not, are part of the inspired Word of God.  They were given by inspiration of God, 2 Timothy 3:16. Now, are our reader going to make God out to be a LIAR?  Whether some agree with these Scriptures or not, won't  change God's Word one bit.  It will keep right on saying what it says.  The Lord God created mankind, and still gives the spirit of life to every baby born into the world. The Lord knows exactly what is best for every child born, and  whether some like it or not,  the Lord God has spoken!   

     If our readers will bother to look up the meaning of the Hebrew word translated as "rod," they will find that one of the meanings of the word is "switch," or "paddle."  See Strong's No. 7626. The Lord God is not telling anyone to physically abuse their child by  beating them with a club.  John 16:13 is still in the Bible.  So is 2 Timothy 2:15.


     When I was a child growing up, most children were well behaved, because discipline was administered by their parents with a switch or paddle when their child refused to behave.  Most children back then did not sass, or speak back to their parents, disobey their parents, curse and swear, and throw angry tantrums when they didn't get their way.  Those that tried it were dealt with swiftly and lovingly, with a switch or paddle. 

     But times have changed, and most certainly not for the better.  A whole postwar generation of children were brought up by parents following "Dr. Spock's philosophy."  And it shows up today everywhere we look in this present evil world, Galaians 1:4.

      Dear readers, just look around you today, to see the "fruits" of the "Dr. Spock" philosophy.  I am well aware that today, parents can be arrested for "child abuse" for spanking their children.  Are we believers to obey God, or men?  Speak up!  I'm not hearing you. 

     Our whole society today is filled with LIARS, thieves, thugs, gangsters, robbers, sexual predators, rapists, whores, and whoremongers, drive by shooters, car jackers, and cold blooded killers.  And even few believers seem to make any connection between what these wicked people are, and the way they grew up.  Hello!   

      It is a rare thing today for either men or women to remain virgins until they marry.  Pre-marital and extra-marital sex is now just accepted as a "normal" part of life. Parents today who have daughters, just hope their daughters won't become pregnant while they are still in high school, or before they are married. But if they do, the abortion mills are always ready to murder their baby. 

     Innocent unborn babies today are callously killed in abortion mills all over this country , and in other countries around the world, and most of their mothers couldn't care less.  The mothers of the aborted babies can hardly wait until they are healed up enough to hop in bed again to fulfill their lusts.   Folks, I am describing life as it  is in America today, and every honest reader knows that my description is true.  

      Children growing up in homes today,  make their own choices about being like their parents, or being homosexual or lesbian perverts.   Of course, America's glorious "Supreme Court" has "legalized" the practice of homosexuality and homosexual marriage to accomodate such wickedness.  Read Leviticus 18 - 20. 


     Dear readers, moral instruction of children, making it plain to the child what is acceptable behavior  (right and wrong) and what is not acceptable, begins in the home.

Moral values should be taught and lived before the children, from the time of their birth.  Read Ephesians 6:1-4.  This instruction involves discipline when needed.  Sometimes, children, for lesser offenses,  can be reasoned with, but when a child is throwing an angry raging tantrum, totally out of control, the child needs more firm discipline; the switch or paddle. 

      However, today, such a child is often set down in front of the TV, with "time out," and made to watch wicked cartoon characters, so mama or daddy can get on with whatever they want to busy themselves doing. Bringing up Godly children appears to be a "low priority" today.  Total failure of any real moral values being instilled in Americam children today.


     Yes, LYING is a sin!  There is no such thing as "a little white lie."  Those who believe there is, are LYING to, and deceiving themselves.   Today, the world around us is filled with every imaginable wickedness, including LIARS. 

      I am personally acquainted with people who are "habitual" LIARS.  They LIE, even when there is no reason for their doing so.  They LIE when the truth would gain them more respect.   I suspect that our readers, from time to time,  have also encountered such people.  The word of these habitual LIARS can never be trusted, even when they do tell the truth.  Every word they say has to be carefully checked out, before being passed on to others.     I have even had contact with people who would LIE about a LIE. 


       Never before in my entire lifetime, have I seen such bald faced LYING, as is going on in America and the world today.  It began with the announcement that a "new" deadly virus had discovered in China, and was swiftly spreading to other countries.  It was claimed that anyone who came into contact with this "deadly" Coronavirus, would die from it.   These were all LIES, and yet they  continues to be repeated to  this very day. 

     First, the Coronavirus was not just some "new" virus which had been discovered,  that just happened to spring up, as some virus's have done in the past.  This virus was a LIE right from the public announcement of it in early spring of this year. 

     This Coronavirus is a combination of several different virus's which DO NOT and CANNOT normally combine with each other.   

     A number of highly qualified and respected doctors, involved in Medical Research, have come forward to  publicly state that the several different virus's composing the Coronavirus, absolutely DO NOT naturally combine.  Therefore, it is glaringly obvious that these different virus's were purposely combined in someone's Medical Research laboratory.  Who or whomever was responsible for creating this virus intended right from it's creation, to  deceive the publiic.  A LIE!   The creator of this virus, was so proud of what he (or they)  had done!  This is evident, because he or they named the virus, the "Coronavirus." The word, "Corona" means "a crown."  See your own dictionary.  The Coronavirus was created in a medical lab somewhere, to be the "crowning" virus of all the virus's  mankind has ever had to deal with in human history.    The creator of this virus,  knew that planting it in large cities all over the world, would cause it to spread rapidly, and result in the deaths of thousands of people throughout the world.  Yes, there are people living today who are just that wicked and evil.  Planting this "new" virus is exactly what they did!  This virus was created in some medical lab by a LIAR, a deceiver, and a murderer. 


     Immediately after the virus was publicly announced in early spring, it began killing people, and then the LIES began. 

     The leader of the World Health Organization labeled the Coronavirus as a "Pandemic."  This term literally means a disease which spreads like wild fire, is beyond control, and  is therefore a threat to the whole world.

     Folks, there has never been a "Pandemic" from this virus, and there is not such a "Pandemic" now.  The claim of such was nothing but a LIE, told to frighten the people of the whole world into obedience to the world "leaders."

     This may be a term which some readers don't fully grasp.  I am not referring to our President, or to even many of our officials in Congress.  Rather, the real "world leaders" are the New World Order, who are hell bent on destroying the United States, and other countries, which have a democratic form of government, and establishing a one world government.  This is who is behind the Coronavirus LIE.   

     Based on this LIE, the whole world, for the first time in human history, was  locked down, all businesses and industry was closed, all citizens were ordered to stay home and to wear masks until further notice.  Never previously in all of human history has such a world wide lockdown occurred.  Never!   And it was all due to a LIE!

     Dear readers, this government ordered LOCKDOWN was designed to destroy the entire world economy, as all businesses were closed and all production of goods ceased.   The American and world economy is right now, as I write, teetering on the brink of total collapse.  And it will happen!  When (not if) it happens, it will make the Great Depression of the 1930's look like "good times."  Read Revelation 6:5-6.   

      Suddenly, the LIAR who started it all, had hundreds of assistants joining him with their lies.  It was almost as if a LYING seed had been planted, and a crop of LIARS was springing up.  What do I mean?

     I try to always watch the evening news as reported by the TV news media. I do try to keep up with what is going on in the world.  About six weeks into this Coronavirus garbage, the newscaster explicitly stated that 37,000 people in America had died from the virus.  Then just 24 hours later, same news channel, same news reporter, he reported  that more than 80,000 people in America had died from Coronavirus.   What?

     The instant I heard him,  I knew he was LYING!  There was no way that 43,000 additional people had died from the virus since just the previous night.  The man, supposed to be one of America's most trusted news reporters, was bald faced lying! 

     But that was just the beginning of the LIES!   That news reporter was trying to fulfill the LYING prediction of another LIAR. A medical doctor, supposedly one of the world's most well known and influential doctors, just after the virus had begun, had appeared on national TV, claiming that the virus was so deadly, that there "might be" 300,000 deaths in America before the virus had run it's course.   I had personally heard him make this LYING prediction on the evening news.  When he made it, I knew immediately that he was only trying to instill fear in the American people.  "Might?"  Yeah, that is what he said.  At that very time I thought, "Yeah, and the cow "might" jump over the moon."  The Lord Jesus told the Jews quite plainly that no one knows what a day will bring forth.  Deliberately trying to frighten the people into submission, IS NOT the work of God.   


     These LIES were obviously being told and spread in order to scare the American people into absolute submission to everything the lying medical and political world "leaders" wanted to accomplish; the total  destruction of America.  This entire virus thing has been the work of the New World Order. 

      Oh yes!  about the deaths.....  The number of deaths from the virus, being reported are just more LIES. The numbers are  as phony as a four dollar bill.

      Former nurses who worked in New York hospitals, and also in other hospitals around the country, have come forward as "whistleblowers"  to say that from the time the announcement of the virus was made, every death from any cause, began to be reported as being from the virus.  In other words, if someone died at the hospital from a car wreck, from pnuemonia, from acute appendicitis, from the flu, from a heart attack, from a stroke, from a fall, from drowning, from blood poisoning,  all of the deaths were reported as being from the virus.  These false death reports are still going on right to this present hour.  The death reports from the virus have been so highly OVER INFLATED (LIED ABOUT) that likely no one but God Himself knows the actual number of people who have died from the Coronavirus.   

     I have laying on my desk as I write a  report from  an honest, well known, American doctor, who nearly died in a hospital here in America.  The hospital claimed he was dying from the Coronavirus, and his sickness was reported on the TV news channels.  But he has snce recovered from his illness, and is no longer in a hospital.   Since his recovery, he has publicly stated that the news reports about him were LIES.  He has publicly stated that  he never had the Coronavirus, that his serious illness was from an entirely different cause.  He also stated that many hospitals are reporting all deaths in their facilities as being caused by the virus.  LIES, LIES, AND MORE LIES! 


    I don't want any reader to misunderstand what I am saying.   The Coronavirus is real because some wicked wacko created it in a lab and then planted it in large cities all over the world.  However, it is not near as contagious as first claimed.  A few simple precautions will keep anyone from catching the virus. 

     The truth is, there are three different remedies available right here in America, which will prevent or cure the virus.  Simple low cost remedies recommended by some medical doctors.  Every one of these remedies, at one time or another,  have been displayed on TV by the news media. Then the remedies, and the doctors who recommend them, have been mocked, ridiculed,  and made to look like quacks and fools by the news media.  Why?

     Because these three remedies actually  work, and the medical establishment knows it.  Have our readers ever considered how much MONEY the medical establishment is making off of this virus?   The establishment doctors   don't want this virus cured, or brought to an end.  They are raking in millions of dollars off the gullible American people. 

     Again, I do not want to be misunderstood.  There are some very concientious, honest, doctors in Ameria, who truly do care for the welfare of their patients.  But sadly, their number is shrinking.  Most medical treatment today is about MONEY!  


     But yet another TRUTH!   The inspiried eternal Word of God clearly states that "all liars (habitual) shall have their part  in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone," Rev. 21:8.  This is, and when fulfilled,  will be, an ETERNAL TRUTH.  The LIARS who go into that lake of fire will never  be able to leave.  They will be there FOR EVER. 

     The truth is that telling a LIE can be forgiven, but only if one truly repents and receives the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior, Acts 20:21; Romans 8:1. But every lost, unbelieving, habitual, LIAR is going to spend eternity in the lake of fire, Rev. 20:15; Isaiah 66:22-24. 

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Dear readers,

     I have not quit writing Bible Studies.  It might seem that way to some, because this will be the first study I have sent out in several weeks.  The reason for the lapse is that I have been suffering excruciating pain in my back, spine, hips, and legs, to the extent it almost stopped me from even being able to walk.  But I haven''t quit!  

     There is no place for this old preacher to "quit" the Lord's work.  I will only stop, when I draw my final breath, or when, like John, I hear the voice of my Lord calling me to "Come up hither!" Rev. 4:1.  

     Until one of those two things happens to me, I will  appreciate the prayers of my brothers and sisters in Christ.  Thank you all, and God bless you. 

                    Pastor F. M. Riley

14275 Co. Rd. 8120, Rolla, MO 65401, Phone 573-202-6493 or email francismriley34@gmail.com.

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