F.M. Riley (12 July 2020)
"Kingdom of Satan"

The Beginning on Earth of the

Kingdom of Satan

     "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!  How art thou cut down to the ground , which didst weaken the nations! 

     For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, I will sit also upon the mountain of the congregation, in the sides of the north:

     I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be likke the Most High." Isaiah 14:12-14. 

                                                                 By Pastor F. M. Riley

                                                                 July 7, 2020


     There is nothing orignal about Satan.  He is a "copy cat;" a counterfeiter in every sense of the word.  However, he counterfeits in direct oppositon to the Lord God.  Satan is the very epitome of EVIL AND WICKEDNESS, as opposed to Almighty God, who is altogether GOOD AND RIGHTEOUS.  Every important event prophesied to occcur in God's great "Plan of the Ages," Satan is determined to counterfeit it, in order to boast his own wicked ego.  Read on.......


     Satan presently has a kingdom somewhere in the heavens above the earth; possibly located in outer space beyond the solar system, being "above the stars of God," (the planets in earth's solar system), Genesis 1:14-19.   Satan knew that was where God had set up His throne, so Satan determined to counterfeit the location, as he established his own evil kingdom.  Read Psalm 103:19.  

     Such a kingdom of Satan is absolutely undeniable, for none other than the Lord Jesus Christ verified that Satan has a kingdom.  See Matthew 12:26.

     Satan rules over, and apparently is worshipped by the fallen angels, and the demonic spirits of the nephilim.   But Satan's desire is to be the object of worship for all of mankind on the earth.  Why? 

     Because Satan wants to be like God, Isaiah 14:12-14.  God's kingdom is to be established on the earth by the Lord Jesus Christ, during the 1,000 years following the seven year Tribulation.  Therefore, having a desire to be like God, Satan is eager to set up his own kingdom on the earth, likely believing that if he can set up his own kingdom first, he will prevent the Lord Jesus Christ from  establishing God's kingdom on the earth.  

       Ho! Ho! Ho!  Yes Satan is subtil, shrewd, clever, diabolical, wicked, and EVIL, Genesis 3:1. Yet like all Christ rejectors, Satan simply does not believe that Almighty God will be able to fulfill His Word.  So Satan is proceeding right on with his plans to establish his own kingdom among mankind on the earth. 


     Have our readers ever given serious thought to the inspired history of Israel?  Israel, remember, was God's chosen people by an "everlasting covenant" made with Abraham, Genesis 17:7-8. 

     The first ruler of the nation of Israel was King Saul.  He had been chosen by God to lead the Israelites into battle against the Philistines, who were oppressing Israel.  God instructed His prophet Samuel to "anoint" Saul to be the "captain" who would lead the Israelites in battle against their enemies, 1 Samuel 9:16.  God then told Samuel that Saul would reign over Israel, 1 Samuel 9:17. 

      However, Saul was not God's choice to rule over Israel, but rather he was the people's choice.  Saul was apparently a tall, handsome, muscular, man, who looked every bit like a ruler of men.  Saul led the Israelites to victory over their Philistine enemies, but disobeyed God's explicit instructions in the process.  Today, nearly 4,000 years later, Israel is still being forced to deal with the "Palestians" (ancient Philistines), whom God instructed Saul to totally destroy.  Nevertheless, Saul became the "popular" choice of the people, and  God temporarily  granted the desire of the Jewish people.  We should never forget that it is God who sets up and removes kings and rulers, both good and evil, Daniel 2:20-21. 

     God had a man "after His own heart" picked out to be the ruler over the nation of Israel, but the people wanted Saul, so God let them have their wish.  However, after wicked, disobedient, and murderous, old Saul was killed, little DAVID, God's choice, became King over Israel, and to this day remains the greatest King who has ever ruled over the Jewish people.   And he will rule again! 

     And who did Saul typify in God's Word?  None other than the future anti-christ, who will rule over mankind during the seven year Tribulation, BEFORE the Lord Jesus Christ visibly and bodily returns to establish His Kingdom and rule upon the earth.  Satan's man will rule first, but will ultimately be replaced by God's chosen man; the Lord Jesus Christ Himself.   

     God's Word is so great and revealing to His people if they would only seriously study it, 1 Cor. 2:14; 2 Timothy 2:15.


     The great events of human history, have not simply  fallen into place by chance as the "willingly ignorant,"  unbelieving, evolutionists teach, 2 Peter 3:3-5..  Almighty God determined "the end from the beginning," Isaiah 46:10.  Every epoch of time in human history was "appointed" by God from the beginning, Acts 17:26.  This includes the transition period, between  the Dispensation of Grace, and the seven year Tribulation period, which the Lord Jesus Himself called "the beginning of sorrows," Matthew 24:4-8.  Dear readers, it is this transition period in which all mankind on the earth is living in today even as I write. It is this present transition period, which is carrying unbelieving mankind from GRACE to JUDGMENT.

      Notice that I emphasized "unbelieving," for true believers will be resurrected and raptured upwards to glory, just as  this present transition period ends, 1 Cor. 15:52-55; Philippians 3:20-21; 1 Thess 4:13-18; Titus 2:11-15; 1 John 3:1-2. 


     This transition period was foreseen by the Lord, just as He plainly describes in Matt. 24:4-8.  But this period of time was planned by wicked and evil men.  The Lord God foresaw it, and is allowing it to occur, for the Lord God  is using it to gather in "the fulness of the Gentiles," Romans 11:25, and to warn His believing children that His coming

to rapture us to glory is right at the doors.   Glory to God! 

     So dear readers, don't allow yourself to be overwhelmed or discouraged by the evil and wickedness which is going on in the world all around us today.  The Lord God knows all about it, and will remove His children from it, at His own "appointed time," just any day now. Be ready!  Now, turn and read 1 Cor. 10:13. Our "way of escape" is already on the horizon!   Praise the Lord!  What a "blessed hope" every true believer has in Christ Jesus our Lord. 


     Satan, the counterfeiter, uses unbelieving Christ rejectors to carry out his evil plans, just as the Lord God uses His believing people to evangelize the lost.  In this present time, Satan's henchmen are better known as the "New World Order," the "Deep State," the "Luciferian's," the "one worlders," and a number of other names.  But regardless of what they are  called, they are all henchmen of Satan, and have one goal in mind; the establishment of a one-world government in which God, Christ, Christianity, Chrisitians, and the Holy Bible, will have no part.  Even though his existence is denied by many of these wicked people (modern day Sadducees, who claim that there are no spirits, Acts 23:8) Satan himself will be the acknowledged spiritual ruler of such a kingdom, and Satan's man; the anti-christ, will be the visible and wicked ruler.  


     Whether even many believers have thought about it and realized what is happening, the establishment of Satan's kingdom on earth has begun. 

      1.  It began with the Coronavirus, the lockdown, the masks, the social distancing.     That was the first step.

     2.   This was followed by choosing a black man's death to deliberately create racial hatred and strife.  An actual literal translation of the Lord's statement in Matt. 24:7, in the Greek text would read.......

     "For races of peoples shall rise against races of peoples, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places,"  Matthew 24:7 (literal rendering)

     3.   Out of this racial hatred arose great marches, protests, demonstrations, and riots, with looting, burning, and killing. 

     4.  Of course the police intervened, so the next step was to get rid of the police by "defunding" them.  This would mean that there would be no resistance to what the wicked protesters want to do. 

     5.   The supposed purpose for the racial hatred, spread from the death of a black man to rewriting American history.  All statues of confederate leaders were pulled down and destroyed.  Confederate flags and emblems were burned or destroyed.  And as this still continues, the protesters are demanding that even names of buildings, ball teams, and businesses be changed.  Fulfilling the Lord's statement about Satan to the letter, John 10:10. 

    6.   The next step is to disarm the public, and it is right at the door.  All guns will be confiscated, even if they have to be pried from the cold, stiff, dead, fingers of their owners.  Count on it! 

     7.   Likely civil war and fighting will SOON occur, further separating and dividing the nation, and "the end of America" will be proclaimed. 

     It is fascinating that President Trump has now publically stated that all of these protests and riots are designed for no other purpose than the destruction of America as a nation.   President Trump is a discerning man, even though the wicked would like to portray him as a failure. 

     America has stood as a "Christian" nation for the past 245 years, standing directly in the way of Satan establishing his own wicked kingdom on the earth.  How the wicked will rejoice the day America ceases to exist. 

     8.  Finally, Satan's man; the anti-christ, will show up on the world scene, and through the political process and by the authority of the United Nations, he will be declared the "President" of the whole world. 


     Satan's main problem throughout human history has been those who have chosen to be followers of the Lord God of Heaven.  Therefore, it will be Satan's plan to consolidate his kingdom on earth by slaughtering every Christian believer, burning every Bible, and destroying or misusing every church building.  However.....


     The Lord Jesus Christ will not allow His believing Church and people to be destroyed by the wicked followers of Satan.  The Lord made this quite clear in His letter to His church in Thyatira in Rev. 2:24.  Thyatira typified that period in the "church age" just following the terrible persecutions of the "Dark Ages." 

     The Lord's promise to His Church,

     "But unto you I say, and unto the rest in Thyatira, as many as have not this doctrine, and which have not known the depths of Satan, as they speak:  I will  put upon you none other burden," Rev. 2:24. 

     Dear readers, such persecutions as the Lord's churches and people experienced, at the hands of the wicked Roman religion, during the Dark Ages, will never be allowed to come upon the Lord's true believing church and people again.  Never!   Why not?

     Because our Lord is faithful who promised.  In an instant of time, the Lord will appear in the heavens over the earth, and just like He called John in Rev. 4:1, He is going to call every true believer on this earth to come up to "meet Him in the air," 1 Thess. 4:16-17.  We believers will be snatched right out of the path of imminent danger.  And that time is almost here.  The resurrection and rapture could take place at any moment of any day now. 

     In all of this chaos and wickedness that is going on today, every true believer should be praying daily and often for our Lord to come for us.  And He will!  Our sojourn on this earth is about to be over. 

     Any reader of this study who is not saved, or who has doubts about their salvation, should be on their knees right now putting 2 Peter 1:10-11 into practice.  I would like to meet every reader of this study in glory when our Lord comes.  Please don't disappoint me! 

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Dear readers, you have the message the Lord laid on my heart to write.  What you now do with it is between you and the Lord.

     But what you are watching happening in this country, and in the world today, is the beginning of Satan's kingdom being established on the earth.  Are you sure you want to stick around for it?  Romans 10:13; Ephesians 2:8-10. 

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    Pastor F. M. Riley  14275 Co. Rd. 8120, Rolla, MO 65401

Phone 573-202-6493

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