Fay (5 July 2020)
"Seed or Offspring?"


A "potato pitarto" question, I believe. This passage in Genesis 3 means the same. Whether Satan has physical or spiritual offspring...or both, is something none of us know for sure.

What is abundantly clear is that Satan has offspring that live among us. They have been at war with the human race since the Garden of Eden. These "people" have finally taken hold of the reigns of power. In politics - the media - universities etc. In every single human government in the world, we have the "seed of Satan" at the controls. The media are at Satan's full beck and call. There can be no argument about that one. Where we have been naive is blaming humans only. Whether the "useful idiots" are fully human and just stupid, is anyone's guess. The fact remains that the majority of humans would NOT murder, rape, lie and steal. It is NOT in our DNA. Evil has different DNA. We have all been misled to make excuses for violent murderers. We have been told they have had violent childhoods themselves and are displaying learnt behaviour etc. I may be wrong here, but I truly believe that only pure evil is capable of harming and maiming another human being. Unless it is done in self defence - it is alien to our natures.

Think about it. Every murder is shocking to us. It makes news headlines and we all feel a shiver of fear upon reading about it. Every rape story is repugnant. Child abuse, paedophilia etc., etc. It all makes us feel horribly sick. These things are the work of evil. The work of Satan.

The story of the nation of Israel since 1948 alone, should tell us that Satan's offspring - the Erev Rav or "Mixed Multitude have been with us always. The Jewish people still cannot worship at the Temple Mount. The Israeli government keeps bending it's knee to other powers. And despite the LORD assuring them that He would support them through thick and thin - the offspring of Satan keep the Jewish people in perpetual servitude to the powers that be. And just like the story in Exodus, when the Jewish people disobeyed, the Amalek were allowed to attack them. It is an age old story that keeps repeating... like Groundhog Day.

The latest mainfestation of Satans offspring are these BLM riots. The BLM movement does NOT represent the true champions of the Black movement. Which is a movement to truly change the lives of black Americans. In a good, positive way. This current stuff is evil. Through and through.

We are told that the offspring of Satan will mingle themselves with the offspring of the woman. And that they will no adhere to each other. Just as miry clay does not adhere to iron. This is where we are, Doves. We are in direct spiritual battle with the offspring of Satan. Read the links below to see this clearly. Without any naivety or denial. We are in a battle. Satan is in full operation on our earth. Once he is banished from Heaven (which, I believe is very soon) this world will be blind-sided.

May Almighty God grant us strength, clarity, wisdom and strength. In Jesus' Beloved Name.

