Fay (19 July 2020)
"Remarkable Prophecy Unfolding NOW!"


I don't believe we have ever seen protests of this magnitude in Israel before. ALL end time prophecy revolves around Israel and what happens to Israel. Which is why we are instructed to WATCH and pray for the peace of Jerusalem. While reading the article in the first link and looking at the photographs - I realised that we are witnessing what can definitely be called a "rebellion". These protests are not going away soon. In fact - I believe they will get worse and worse, very quickly.

2 Thessalonians 2:3 tells us that the LORD's day will not come unless the rebellion happens first. This rebellion causes the man of sin to finally be revealed. Oh my word, Doves. This is a major sign of the nearness of our LORD's return. If my intuition (based on prophecy) is correct - we are witnessing something hugely significant here.

Reading through the words in 2 Thessalonians 2 (2nd link below) got me thinking of just who this man of sin will be. Bibi Netanyahu claims to be a Torah believing Israeli. For all his faults and failings, it's difficult to think that he would declare himself as God. Such strange times we live in.

Praying for the peace of Jerusalem.

