Fay (19 July 2020)
"Bruce Baber re Tu B'Av"


Hi John and Doves,

Bruce - your post regarding Tu B'Av (linked below) was terrific. Very timely. Well worth the read for those who missed it.

Back in 2013...or 2014...I cannot be sure, I was woken at Stupid O' Clock by the television switching itself on in my bedroom. For some bizarre reason, it was on a music channel and a choir was belting out "Joy to the World" in full throttle. After my initial panic of scrabbling around to shut the noise down before it woke the entire household, I realised that it was the morning of August 1st. That thought was VERY clear. I found myself bemused by the television's weird behaviour but also confused by the song. Joy to the World is a Christmas carol!! Why was it being sung in August? August 1st - to be exact.

Tisha B'Av (9th Av), the day both Temples were destroyed, falls on July 30th, 2020. August 1st, 2020 is Shabbat Nachamu. This is a sabbath of "comforting". Please see the 2nd link below. I have also included the Hebcal calendar for 2020 in the 3rd link.

I am on very high alert!


