Dear Doves:
Byron Searle received "7 Weeks" from the Lord on 7/13.I interpret 49 days(7 weeks) of this message as 9 days+40 days.The Bride could be changed in 9 days from 7/13 and witness for 40 days as the Lord did before the Ascension.9 days from 7/13 is 7/22 which is the new moon of Av.The prophecy of a new moon which is written in Colossians 2:16-17 must be fulfilled.As I introduced in the previous letter, Genevieve Brazel heard "Forty Days!" from Gabriel in her vision.It could be meant for the period of witness after the Transformation of the Bride.
This coming new moon of Av is 50 days from Shavout.As I suggested before, the Birth of 144K or the Rapture must take place on the day which is extended from Shavout.Shavout is 50 days from the feast of the Firstfruits, and it makes sense to count 50 more days from Shavout.In the Scripture, the First represnts Flesh and the Second represents Spirit.And the Warfare of Flesh and Spirit is the main theme of the Word, and 50 means Liberation.Thus the Spiritual Victory and the Liberation could occur on the second count of 50 days from the Resurrection Day.
There is a possibility that the definite sign appears on the new moon of Av, then it leads to Av 2, 3, 4.Comet Neowise will be closest to Earth on July 23, 24,25 (Av 2, 3, 4) which fit to Vincent Tan's $2.34.I was fascinated to read the letters of Friedrich Wenz and Chance about the New Wine festival.It reminds me of Matthew 26:29."I tell you, I will not drink from the fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you inmy Father's Kingdom"New Wine festival is celebrated on Av 3, the Crescent moon which can be compared to the lifting of the Bridal veil.And this lifting the veil of the Bride's face reminds me of 2 Corinthians 3:18 and 1 John 3:2-3."And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his image withever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit""Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know thatwhen Christ appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. All who have this hope in him purifythemselves, just as he is pure"Thus the Time should be Now!Pearl Kolleri received 717 as the Rapture Code and 7.0 earthquake occurred on 7/17 in Papau New Guinea.Could it be 7 Day Warning?<LatterRain333> received that the announcement of the Trump's Peace Plan is a signpost and the count has begun.7.7 earthquake occurred in 77 minutes from the announcement and it's 177 days from 1/28 to 7/24.177 is 100(Elect) plus 77(Vengeance) and 24 is 8+8+8.I understood the message of "7 Weeks" suggesting that the Tribulation could begin from Rosh Hashanah(9/19).I know there are different ideas claiming that the Rapture occurs on one of the Fall feasts.But the Fall feasts will be fulfilled through Israel when the Lord returns.It's unthinkable that God of perfection jumps over to the Fall feasts without completing Shavout.Again, it's my opinion, but we all know it's very close.Maranatha!