Elliot Hong (12 July 2020)
"My Timing Is Perfect"

Dear Doves:

The Lord told several messengers "My Timing Is Perfect."
Obviously it means that it's perfect based on the Word.
This was why I introduced some thoughts in the previous letter.

1) Shavout is one of the 3 harvest feasts which match with 3 orders (groups) of 1 Corinthians 15:22-24.
     Since the feast of the Firstfruits was fulfilled by the Lord, the next harvest feast to be fulfilled is Shavout.

2) But because it's written "No one knows the day or the hour," Shavout couldn't be fulfilled on the exact day.
    Thus if 2020 is the Year, the Birth of 144K or the Rapture must take place on the day which is extended from Shavout.

3) This was why the delay of 21 days and 30 days was examined.
     40 is the important number in the Bible, and it means Trial, Test and Probation.
     Shavout was observed on 5/31 and 6/1, and 40 days from 6/1 is 7/11-12.
     I introduced Genevieve Brazel's vision that she heard "40 Days!" from Gabriel on 5/10.
     I have a different interpretation for it.
     5/10 was the center of 7 weeks between the Resurrection Day(4/12) and Shavout(5/31).
     The center branch of Menorah represents the Lord, and Shavout is the center of 7 feasts.
     Thus "40 Days" could be meant to count from Shavout.
     Since I'm emailing this letter to John on 7/11 in Asia, I don't know what will happen in US on 7/11-12.
     If nothing happens, 7/21 is the next possibility which is 50 days from Shavout.
     The new moon of Av begins from the sunset of 7/21, and we all know the importance of new moon.
     I doubt that it will go over 50 days.

It's my belief that the Timing should be perfect, clear and simple so that all the left behind people can trust the Word.
In that way, they can refuse to take the mark of the beast and keep the faith even at the risk of their lives.
Again, this is my opinion, but we all know it's very close.