Hello John and Doves,
Well, this is all moving very quickly.
In about a month...we have gone from protesters screaming for revenge when George Floyd died (of a drug overdose - he had three times the fatal dose of Fentanyl in his body: https://thewatchtowers.org/or-did-george-floyd-die-of-a-drug-overdose-fatal-fentanyl-a-forensic-analysis/
Or Did George Floyd Die of a Drug Overdose? Fatal Fentanyl: A Forensic Analysis - TheWatchTowers.org) and THEY blamed the cops for his death. Looks like this man was dying before the police contacted him.
See how quickly - in about a month - THEY have progressed with their hate-filled agenda:
From 'black lives matter' protesters demanding a change to police protocols, to protesting in the streets, to looting, mayhem, carnage, destroying private business/buildings, to attacking people who aren't involved in their 'protest', to changing the names of streets and writing "Black Lives Matter" on them, to tearing down statues of slave owners, to toppling statues of Confederates, to removing the Confederate flag, to changing the name of schools and military bases, to burning the American flag, to tearing down statues of all historical/political people, to burning churches, to demanding the defunding and even banning of police departments, to taking over and blockading sections of cities, to calling for the tearing down of statues of Jesus and the destruction of murals and stained glass windows of Churches.
Took them about a month to get to, "Removal of All Statues, Murals and Stained Glass Windows of "White Jesus and His European Mother". "They are a gross form of white supremacy. Created as tools of oppression. Racist propaganda. They should all come down."https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/06/tear-race-activist-shaun-king-calls-removal-statues-white-jesus-european-mother/
"Tear Them Down": Race Activist Shaun King Calls for Removal of All Statues, Murals and Stained Glass Windows of "White Jesus and his European Mother"
They wage war against God and His 'church'.
And these 'protesters' are attempting to set up "Black House Autonomous Zone' outside White House" "Protesters in Washington, D.C., began setting up what they call the "Black House Autonomous Zone" or "BHAZ" near the White House. Using fences and barricades, demonstrators attempted to create a perimeter in the area on Monday. ...St. John's Episcopal Church near Lafayette Park was tagged with spray paint spelling out the acronym...Police were later able to establish a security perimeter in front of the church." https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/protesters-attempt-to-set-up-black-house-autonomous-zone-outside-white-house
Protesters attempt to set up 'Black House Autonomous Zone' outside White House
That's in all about a month's time. Imagine what they can do in another month!
People keep saying, "Just wait until the sleeping majority wakes up - when enough is enough!"
Excuse me! "Enough is enough" was a month ago! This should have been nipped back then. Letting it go on has only emboldened these people to do more and more damage, make more and more outrageous demands, broaden their reign of terror and recruit more followers!
IF there is a line to be crossed, will anybody respond? The 'church' is silent. The churches could join forces...but, they never do. Will the people wake up? Seems they are just waiting for the elections in November. An election that the Democrats cannot afford to loose again...they will steal this by hook or by crook - they can not allow Donald J. Trump to have another four years more to turn the country around and MAGA. THEY have an evil agenda to fulfill.
President Trump can not, nor should he, take on all of this evil by himself. He needs our support and our prayers during these wretched times.
Will America fall like Venezuela? Is that in God's plan?
At this rate, we won't have long to find out!
Pray for God's will.
It sure looks like we are fast approaching the start of the Tribulation. We are seeing a total depravity of man, race against race, and a complete disdain for law and order We are seeing what we were warned would happen.
The Rapture is the day we all have been yearning and watching for! I pray we don't have much longer to wait.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!