Chance (5 July 2020)


Hello John and Doves,

To follow up on my letter "Did We Just Find the Rapture Date Together?"...Dr. Barry Awe, in his video, tells us why that particular time period of Moses (the 40 days and nights) is important in finding his date to the true Pentecost.

The day before Moses came down from the mountain with the tablets, Aaron proclaimed "Tomorrow is a feast to the Lord."  Exodus 32:5 Dr. Awe believes this is actually Pentecost.  When Moses came down the mountain he saw the evil which the people had done with the golden calf....Moses told the people "Whoever is on the Lord's side - come to me."  (Dr. Barry compares this to what happens at the Rapture - the followers of Jesus are called to Him.) Then he commanded the Levites to slay all who were against the Lord...."about three thousand people fell dead". Exodus 32:26,28

Dr. Awe compares the three thousand killed on this day to the three thousand saved on Pentecost.  Act 2:40 "...about three thousand were added to the believers that day."

And 40 years later...."While they were at the foot of Mount Hor, Aaron the priest was directed by the Lord to go up the mountain, and there he died.  This happened in midsummer, on the first day of the fifth month of the fortieth year after Israel's departure from Egypt. Numbers 33:38  Dr. Awe believes this is the date of the 'feast to the Lord' - the first day of the fifth month:  1 Av 

Dr. Awe gives much more information than this in his video.  (Link in the first letter to Doves.)

As I wrote, his date is very close to the Essens' date for the Festival of the New Wine - which looks to be the true Pentecost date.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!

