Hello John and Doves,
Here we go again....maybe!
This time it's not coronavirus + HIV, it's coronavirus + Spanish Flu!
And again....Dr. Fauci is involved in keeping us "safe and secure".
From an article dated 6/30/2020:
"White House coronavirus advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci said U.S. health officials are keeping an eye on a new strain of flu carried by pigs in China that has characteristics of the 2009 H1N1 and 1918 pandemic flu.
The virus, which scientists are calling "G4 EA H1N1", has not yet been shown to infect humans but it is exhibiting "reassortment capabilities", Fauci told the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pension Committee during a hearing Tuesday.
"In other words, when you get a brand new virus that turns out to be a pandemic virus it's either due to mutations and/or the reassortment or exchange of genes (I'll add - lab manipulated?)," he told lawmakers. "And they're seeing virus in swine, in pigs now, that have characteristics of the 2009 H1N1, of the original 1918, which many of our flu viruses have remnants of that in it, as well as segments from other hosts, like swine."
The H1N1 swine flu emerged in Mexico in April 2009, infecting 60.8 million people in the United States alone and at least 700 million worldwide. An estimated 151,700 to 575,400 people died from the virus across the glove, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention....The 1918 flu, which Fauci has often compared to Covid-19, is estimated to have killed between 30 million and 50 million people, according to the CDC.
The new strain that is spreading in pig farms in China has been identified as having "all the essential hallmarks of a candidate pandemic virus," scientists say."
Dr. Anthony Fauci says new virus in China has traits of 2009 H1N1 and 1918 pandemic flu
And from an article dated 7/1/2020, one day later:
"New Swine Flu From China Already Infecting Humans; Not "An Immediate Threat", Says Fauci"
"The scientists are reporting the G4 EA H1N1 virus is currently only transmissible between pigs. Which means, as of now, it can't be transmitted from person-to-person; the Chinese pig farm workers sick by the virus were infected by sick pigs. The study said this new strain of the H1N1 swine flu virus is spreading silently among Chinese workers on pig farms. It urges the Chinese government to urgently control the spread of the virus in pigs. More important, the study said closely monitoring human populations "should be urgently implemented."...The need to urgently get G4 EA H1N1 under control is necessary because it replicates and spreads quickly in human airways, much like SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2), the virus that causes COVID-19.
A key next step in monitoring G4 EA H1N1 is to find out if any of the infected workers at pig farms had contracted the virus from humans. It also has to be ascertained i any of these people had spread the virus to their families, said Dr. Li-Min Huang, director of the Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases at the National Taiwan University Hospital.
"It's a very important study, and the virus looks quite dangerous," noted Dr. Huang. "We need to be worried about any disease with the potential to spread human to human."https://www.ibtimes.com/new-swine-flu-china-already-infecting-humans-not-immediate-threat-says-fauci-3003727
And in this third article from 7/2/2020:
"Importantly, the researchers found no evidence yet of human-to-human transmission. They did find "efficient infectivity and aerosol transmission in ferrets" - meaning there's evidence the new virus can spread by aerosol droplets from ferret to ferret (which we often use as surrogates fro human in flu studies). G4-infected ferrets became sick, lost weight and acquired lung damage, just like those infected with one of our seasonal human H1N1 flu strains. They also found the virus can infect human airway cells. Most humans don't already have antibodies to the G4 viruses meaning most people's immune systems don't have the necessary tools to prevent disease if the get infected by a G4 virus. In summary, this virus .... ticks all the boxes to be what infectious disease scholars call a PPP - a potential pandemic pathogen.
As far as I can tell, the specific tests we use for influenza in humans won't identify this new Gr EA H1N1 virus, so we should design new tests and have them ready. ((And we did sooo well with COVID-19 test kits!! - NOT)
A new H1N1 swine flu with 'pandemic potential' has been found in China. Here's what we know - ABC News
No doubt, something else they have been working on. Part 2 of their "Plan-demic"?
The Gates Foundation, Johns Hopkins University, and the World Economic Forum had their "Event 201" and the Rockefeller Foundation had their "Scenarios" - each had a very lethal coronavirus in their 'exercise' that resulted in the deaths of millions to tens of millions of people. (See more on Event 201 and Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development in 10 May 2020 letter "The Globalist Agenda and KS Rajan's "Globalism's United Front" Article" http://www.fivedoves.com/letters/may2020/chance510-4.htm
The Globalist Agenda and KS Rajan's "Globalism's United Front" Article
Dr. Fauci has been telling us that a 'second wave' is hitting this Fall, and Bill Gates promised a more virulent virus is in our future.....and we know how well China was able to handle the COVID-19 fiasco on their end. And we know how well Dr. Fauci, the NIH, the CDC handled the COVID-19 fiasco on our end.
Now we have both parties 'at play' again. It's just a matter of time...and it looks like their timeline is 'soon'!
Keep looking up!!!
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!