Chance (12 July 2020)
"Something Going On In The Heavens?"

Hello John and Doves,

To go along with our coming 'week' of New Pentecost dates in July we have several "potentially hazardous asteroids" or PHAs passing by Earth...or near-Earth objects (NEOs).
NEOs that pass with in 0.05 AU (half the distance between the Earth and Sun) with an absolute magnitude - brightness (H) of 22.0 or less is considered a PHA.    1 AU is 93 million miles.
NEOs 2020ME3, 2016DY30 will fly by on July 19.  DY30 will have a minimum close approach distance of 0.005 AU (Astronomical Unit: 1 AU is approximately the distance form the Earth to the Sun) or 1.99 Lunar Distance (almost twice the distance to the moon).
2002BF25 will flyby on July 21
2020NO will flyby on July 22 - this will be another close minimum flyby at 0.0052 AU or 2.02 LD
The biggest to flyby is 2020ND on July 24:
This NEO is approximately 558 feet in size (an estimated 120 m to 280 m diameter) and is traveling at about 29,800 mph - it will come within 0.034 astronomical units of the Earth on July 24.  And 14.39 Lunar Distances from the Earth. With an absolute magnitude (H) of 21.6
Asteroid news: NASA reveals 'hazardous' asteroid bigger than London Eye on close approach | Science | News |
2020NN will flyby on July 25.
NEO Earth Close Approaches
Dave Hodges of The Common Sense Show is reporting two different groups have told him that they were told by federal authorities to prepare for debris hitting the Earth - something about Jupiter changing it's orbital plane - "Jupiter is the brightest star in the solar system now" - and this change is causing a disturbance in the asteroid belt.  He doesn't know how accurate this is, but something to "keep our eyes on" because there is "abnormal preparation going on, it's either for a deadly second wave or could it be a celestial event."
(128) Red Alert! What's Going On with Jupiter? - YouTube
I find this interesting in part because the planet Jupiter is mentioned.  
"Jupiter might be a lot more than just another big body in our solar system - the massive gas giant could very well be Earth's protector. ...some astronomers think the big planet's gravitational pull serves as a sort of "cosmic shield" for the inner rings of planets - including Earth - "sweeping up incoming objects that would have a deadlier effect" if they were to crash into us....It used to be believed that impacts on Jupiter's surface were "rare cosmic events," says Andrew Fazekas at National Geographic. But new evidence suggests that cataclysmic crashes are actually "fairly common" (think Shoemaker-Levy9 in 1994) Jupiter might save Earth from devastating asteroid strikes
Scientists, using computer simulations, believe that gas giants, like Jupiter and Saturn, due to their powerful gravitational force and angular momentum actually have hurled roaming debris out into interstellar space.  Protecting the Earth.
How Jupiter And Saturn Protect Earth From Killer Asteroids
Because of the planet Jupiter, NEOs are in an 'asteroid belt' (which is roughly between the orbits of Jupiter and Mars) that is made up of hundreds of thousands of hunks of debris. 
Also, Jupiter's gravity can help push asteroids toward the sun - and then passing by the sun, they could collide with Earth.  An example of this happened in 1770 when Comet Lexell passed near to Jupiter - Jupiter's gravity pushed it into a new orbit - aiming it towards Earth.  It passed Earth at 1 AU.  This asteroid came flying back in 1779 but this time Jupiter threw it out of our solar system.
Is it true that Jupiter protects Earth? | Space | EarthSky
So, we can see Jupiter is very important to planet Earth - good and bad, in terms of NEOs.
We have several NEOs coming by Earth this next week.  And IF something has happened to Jupiter's orbital plane....I think we can see that might not bode well for Earth.
Then I came across this youtube video by Israeli News Live - In this video Steve talks about his friends with connections in the Pentagon and 'things that are coming'.  He goes on to talk about about his White House source who told him via an email some four months ago about a debris field or asteroid belt.  Jupiter is blocking a lot of the debris that is coming towards Earth but once it moves out of the way we will have lots of these things coming at us.  He mentions his concern for the number of asteroids flying by last month and this month.
(128) Prepare for impact - YouTube
Lots going on in the Heavens this month!

"Early this Sunday morning, stargazers will be able to see five planets and the crescent moon simultaneously with the unaided eye....the moon will be a very thin crescent."  Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn are set to be visible around 45 minutes before sunrise on July 19.  Venus, Mars, Saturn and Jupiter will be the very brightest stars.
Five Planets and the Moon Will Be Visible In the Sky This Weekend: How to See
With so much occurring in the world now -
the frequent large earthquakes hitting the planet
Significant Earthquakes - 2020

the COVID-19 plague/pandemic
the massive swarms of locust with the resulting famines
"And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences, and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven."  Luke 21:11
Seems all we are missing are the 'fearful sights and great signs' in the Heavens!
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!