Chance (12 July 2020)
"Interesting Explaination For Pastor Dana's Part II Dream"


Hello John and Doves,

Below is an interesting explanation of parts of Pastor Dana Coverstone's dreams.

Here is the link again to Pastor Dana's dreams:
(122) Three Prophetic Dreams from Pastor Dana - YouTube

"Three Prophetic Dreams from Pastor Dana"  Jun 25, 2020 on LWMvideo channel.

Thomas Bryant has known Pastor Dana since 1997.  Here is his take on Pastor Dana's dreams:
(122) In Response to Pastor Dana Coverstone’s Prophetic Dreams - YouTube

"In Response to Pastor Dana Coverstone's Prophetic Dreams"  July 2, 2020 on thomas Bryant channel
He wrote "As a student of eschatology, I share my views of how these prophetic dreams align with the study pf end times."

He's looking at September, Rosh Hashanah, as the 'last trump" for the Rapture to occur. When millions disappear there will be great chaos - "taking the U.S. down and the rest of the world". 
Bryant thinks this would explain Pastor Dana's Part II dream with the finger underlining on a calendar the month of September and tapping that calendar month three times and then President Trump and much of the government is missing/gone before the calendar changes to November and Chinese/Russian and U.N. troops are on the ground as Washington, D.C. burns when the month of November is shown.  This is the month that the fist hits the calendar sending the numbers flying.

Interesting possible interpretation of "Part II". 

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!



Here's the Five Doves link to these dream:
Interesting Dreams on Youtube
5 July 2020

As a side note, I have noted more and more attacks on Christian youtube channels.

Bryant's channel is another one under attack.

In the comments section Bryant feels the need to respond to attacks on his channel.

Another sign of the times....

I have had a full day of people attacking me about my personal beliefs in the video that I posted. Haters will hate and the prideful demand attention. It is not enough that they have a firm belief and hold to it. But they insist, demand, that everyone else must acknowledge that they are right. They have no room left in their brian to allow anyone else to have a differing opinion. They must attack and teardown anyone that believes differently than they do. It is because they see themselves as being so smart. They are really full of self-righteous pride, even if they don’t see it. They believe that they are holier, Godlier, more in tune with the Holy Spirit than those people with whom they disagree. Therefore, they must show everyone how smart they are. And they just don’t understand why people can’t recognize how smart they are. There have been many people that believe as I do, famous preachers, evangelists, pastors, theologians. Men and women that have or had more education and have walked closer to God than anyone that has posted to this video. If you disagree with what I posted, then just go away. Do your own thing. Post your own video. I will let God correct me and chastise me if I am wrong, because He is merciful and is able to see the genuineness of my heart even though I am at times, a failed miserable sinner that cries out for mercy.