A Goodrick (5 July 2020)
"We Are Not Ignorant"


John and Doves,
Pastor Paul Begley has a Thursday night guest on his program named
 "Mike from around the world".
He works in a government field of sciences and is highly knowledgeable
in his area of expertise.

And he knows his Bible backwards and forewards;
and more importantly, he regards
the SPIRIT of the words of God, and imparts them to us.

As we all realize how close we are to the coming of the Midnight Rapture, Mike reminds us that Satan also knows
that his time is short
(Revelation 12:12).
His time is very short
to harass us individuals, and  Satan wants to take our crown of righteousness away from us before Christ comes.
(Rev.3:11 and
2 Timothy 4:8).

Mike especially warns us that we are not to be ignorant, or naive about the wiles of Satan, his trickery or craftiness, or cunning.
We are to be mature enough to recognize Satan's ploys or devises when he tries to make us stumble and fall.

Satan's favorite devise is to have us fall out with our relatives and friends, causing enmity.
Yet we are encouraged in the Scriptures that
"As far as it lies within you, be at peace with all persons" Romans 12:18.

If that verse helps us to
reconsider a relationship that could reconnect by the grace of God, then may we all ask for that grace.

If the Holy Spirit advises caution, discernment, and discretion, then may we all wait upon the Lord for His leading and guidance.

An inner peace will come when we make the right decision.

May the True Prince of Peace reign in our hearts.