A Goodrick (5 July 2020)
"Matrimony vs. Free Love"

John and Doves,
I was away on a trip recently and met a young woman living in a one-room apartment, small,
with mattresses on the floor for her and her 2 very young sons. 
There was an outdoor
compartment ---several yards away----for a 
bathroom, and also an outdoor
compartment for a

Her apartment had
no running water ....only a hot plate instead of an oven or stove, and no dressers to store anything.
She was certainly attractive and could be well married.
She gave up all convenience and comfort for the single approval of God. I was in awe of her bravery and courage.

But her companion, in another city, did not believe that their relationship needed the blessing of God. His commitment lasted as long as it was convenient.
After 9 years of this, she finally left with scarce money from relatives, and with no place to live, hoping God would take care of her as she trusted solely in Him and prayed that her live-in companion would repent and commit to God and to a faithful marriage.

I'm praying for Liz. May those who are prayer warriors out there also pray that God will give her the desire of her heart, if that be His will.

I meditated on the stamina of that young woman. She told me that even if they wanted to get married, the virus prevented any weddings, civily or otherwise.

Can a virus actually force people to live in sin ?


I was taught, in my childhood faith, a principle that all conscientious people can understand. And that is, that the Sacrament of Marriage is performed only by the two persons involved, and is not actuated by a priest, minister or justice of the peace. The officiators are only witnesses to the man and the woman making a life-long commitment. 

The marriage is made valid by having witnesses who can verify that before God, vows were made by the bridegroom and by the bride to one another.
The sacrament-- or the Blessing of oneness--comes from their bonding with God in their holy and sacred union.

Legally, it will not be recognized by the State until it is civily registered.
But spiritually, it is consecrated in the eyes of God. If they were to die after having a witnessed ceremony of life-long commitment, they would be accepted in the family of God.
Without that special Blessing and approval of God, they would be outside the family of God.
Here are some insights into the sacredness of the matrimonial vows.


1623- "According to Latin tradition, the spouses as ministers of Christ's grace
mutually confer upon each other the sacrament of matrimony by expressing their consent before witnesses."

1626- "The Church holds the exchange of consent
between the spouses to be the *indispensible element that makes the marriage.*
If consent is lacking, there is no marriage."

1627- "The consent consists in a human act by which the partners mutually give themselves to each other.
"I take you to be my wife"---" I take you to be my husband".
This consent that binds the spouses to each other finds its fulfillment in the two "becoming one flesh"."

1628-  "No human power can substitute for this consent."

1630- "The presence of... witnesses visibly expresses the fact that marriage is an ecclesial
[holy] reality."

1631- "Since marriage is a state of life in the Church,
certainty about it is necessary, hence the obligation to have witnesses.
The public character of the consent protects the
"I do" once given, and helps the spouses remain faithful to it. "

1638-  "From a valid marriage arises a bond between the spouses which by its very nature is perpetual and exclusive.
Furthermore, in a Christian marriage the spouses are strengthened and, as it were, consecrated for the duties and the dignity of their state by a special sacrament."

[Special because they confer the oneness upon each other by inviting God into their union, and by having their commitment witnessed by others.]

Brackets by this author.

"What God hath joined together, let no man put asunder".
Matthew 19:6
Spoken by Jesus