A Goodrick (19 July 2020)
"Fay is Right--No One Is To Divide Israel"

John and Doves,
This following post by Fay gets more relevant as we come closer to November.

Here is Fay's post.

In her entry we are reminded that Israel is God's nation and as such cannot be divided.

Zechariah 12: 3 says:
"And in that day I shall make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people.
All that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against

Zechariah 12:9
"And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations 
that come against Jerusalem".

According to those two 
Scripture quotes above,
any politician, AND his nation, suffer severe consequences for entangling themselves
with the indivisible State of Israel, including their own leaders. There are no 
exceptions to this inviolable rule.

Fay also included a link to what the Sanhedrin had to say, how this greatly offends our Creator.


Fay, the week you sent that in, I had sent an entry to John praising the achievements of DJT.
I recalled my entry the next day, having doubts.
When I saw your entry the following day, it confirmed my suspicions.

Our Lord told us that in the last days, people and events would be deceitful.
So much so that those who thought themselves to be acute detectives, might find themselves needing greater discernment (me).

How wonderful that the Lord (and John) has provided a platform where we can iron out all the wrinkles in our perceptions.

We need to be very discerning as we approach November.
Thank you Fay.
Praying for the Peace of Jerusalem.