My husband Jim and I were not Born Again until we read "The Late Great Planet Earth" by Hal Lindsey in July of 1977.In that same month we arrived at Chuck Smith's church in Costa Mesa California ( the father of the Jesus Movement) and our lives were changed forever.
We always were gratefulfor our two mentors. Here is Hal's latest email from his subscription list.
July 18, 2020..."In such times [as now] real Christians should walk in Faith and confidence, but not arrogance.We should be on our knees before God, praying like never before. We should live every moment in expectation of the Rapture. But we shouldn't just passively wait for that event.We should be using every means possible to spread the Gospel to everyone we can. Our witness should be honest and bold, but also kind and loving.No matter how frustrated we become with the behavior of those around us, we should use these days to bless them.
*With the Finish Line so close* let us rise to new levels in God. These opportunities will not come again." -end-----------------------
Doves,When I look back to Christianity in 1977, it seemed like all of California was on fire with the love of God, witnessing, singing reverent sweet songs to the Lord, hungering after every morsel of God's Word, craving Bible Prophecy, bumper stickers on every car, etc. etc.We never could get enough!!
Fast forward to 2020...
Tomorrow, Sunday July 19, a Pastor will have his church OPEN for services, despite Gov. Gavin Newsome's (nephew of Sen. Nancy Pelosi) having mandated churches closed, and no singing allowed.
I asked my Christian friend if she would go there Sunday as I wanted to give my worship to God and support to the pastor.Her excuse was she didn't have air conditioning in her car.
I asked my Christian relative if he would take me and he claimed he was "busy."It all sounded so like Matthew 22:1--14
I will miss showing my loyalty, but I have no other to ask for transportation, and I don't have a car.
O America! How thou hast fallen! In 1977 it would have been a far different scenario. All Christians in Southern California would have gone to any lengths to show their solidarity.How all of Hong Kong would have showed up !
But comfort, convenience and apathy have won out, it seems. I hope we have not become a fearful, hesitating church.The rewards are beyond description.
"Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision, for the day of the Lord is near in the Valley of Decision"Joel 3:14.