1 Cor 10:31 (5 July 2020)
"Guys!  Ever thought of this?"

By 1 Cor 10:31


I expect you guys know (inc. Tng!!)  what it is to feel flat worn out – and worn down!!!!   Life becomes nothing more than a CHRONIC TO-DO LIST – to check off items one by one.  Then generally even as we tend to things, the “reward” is a whole bunch more piled on top of us!  This is generally whether a person is retired or not!


Me personally, I enjoy going to a lake – to just be able to go AHHH!!  Catch my breath, watch the wind whipping the water (hopefully water is nice & crystal clear & not green!)   Some how it “slows me down” & helps me to enjoy God’s creation, fills me with a sense of peace & helps me realize there’s a whole lot more to life than chronic to-do lists!  Well, I haven’t gotten to do that lately.  But I did take last week off from posting at Doves…… just FLAT TIRED!!!!


Last week I was in Tulsa, near where I used to live.  I work as a stringer now & then (for you young folks – that means a newspaper columnist, by contract only, you generally only get the gig when it’s agreed upon & it pays “peanuts”!!!  Heh!)   Anyway, I could’ve gone to the Trump rally & written my surmised thoughts/opinions about it --  though decided not to, as Oklahoma heat was a killer!!   Not only that, but I won’t stand out in the baking sun all day for anybody!!!  With the exception of Jesus & possibly my husband!   😉   Even he is “iffy”!  hah!!  In addition, one had to work their way through protestors & possibly be scared upon leaving the area.  Just all around not my cup of tea.


[Let’s set the record straight!  Just b/c I tend to look at the characteristics & attributes of the upcoming antiChrist & think this current Pres. could well fit the bill – does not in any way mean I do not like him “FOR THE TIME BEING”!!]  So even if I would’ve gone, I would have written a fair & balanced article.  Nonetheless…..


So why even bring it up?  Well you see, early that same week I couldn’t help noticing CHEMTRAILS spraying the entire sky all over Tulsa!  I believe it was Monday morning.  By that evening, I was writing to Mike Adams at NaturalNews.com  to see if he wanted to post about it.    Last second before I hit the send button – I  noticed how EVERYTHING you send or communicate w/him (even phone calls or mere emails)  becomes THEIR PROPERTY!!!  Glug!  Not fair!  Wasn’t that “I” wanted “credit” for it—no sirree!!  Not that AT ALL!!   As you guys know, I prefer to stay anonymous as it is.


What is was is that I don’t like just surrendering something to someone else & then not be able to share it with anyone else!!  If it was “their” property, then I’d literally have to get their written permission to use it myself!  (even though I wrote it to start with!)  And getting written permission can take “eons”!!  By then, it’s no longer relevant news.  


Sooo….. nix that, I said!   Did send it to Geoff over at NTEB  (now the end begins “dot com”) though never saw anything about it – and though Geoff does a bang up job, I was seriously getting depleted from CONSTANT bad news stories!!  Considered sending it to “Pastor Bob” though he seems to have enough on his plate.  So I just let it fizzle & kept the info to myself.


Did share with Husband though – telling him about how we were being sprayed “to death” with chemtrails!!!  And a “just you wait, watch & see!!”   People WILL get sick!!  Sniffling, coughing, sputtering – and doctors & globalists will blame it on COVID 19~!!! 


The Trump rally = was the SUPER SPREADER globalists were going on TV & saying!!  Plus, doctors chiming in – yes, “that’s IT all right!” 

Translation:  Everyone put your masks back on!!  HIDE IN YOUR BUNKERS!!!!


Fox News had many blurbs about how people did not “social distance” at the rally.  A big SOOOO WHAT????  I haven’t noticed any protestors “socially distancing” EITHER!!!!!!!


Sure enough, a mere day or 2 later after “being sprayed”, I woke up with a DOOZY of a sinus infection.  (almost always get the sniffles after being sprayed!!)  Turned to the Lord & to my natural means – all better!  Got past it in a day or 2.


At any rate, so when surfing – b/c I realize a lot of people, even professional working people, still tend to trust the government that chemtrails are nothing but HARMLESS sprays!!  Glug, I can’t imagine trusting “anyone” [government especially!]  with that kind of news!!


Personally I think chemtrails are very, VERY bad!!  And whose to say really – that this is not the cause of COVID to begin with????  OR it makes us sick anyway – and then the medical community lies & CLAIMS it’s COVID!! 


I came across this site:  https://thinkaboutit.news/chemtrails-real-purpose-and-theres-nothing-you-can-do/    And especially pay attention to other readers’ comments!!  They were basically saying the same thing I’ve been thinking & saying!!!!!



A couple comments which stood out to me:


Steve Allen | May 26, 2020 at 2:52 pm

All of your questions have the same answer. The luciferians/globalists have more power to do evil than we do to stop it in our own efforts. The run governments. How do you think this covid-19 scam could work?

·        Andrew Thomas | May 26, 2020 at 5:46 pm

Knowing that the spraying is done all over the world I do not understand why some scientific organization did not ever send their own plane to trail a chemtrails plane to collect samples of the sprayed material. It could be possible that we could be getting sprayed by the COVID-19 virus. Everyone thinks it’s mouth to mouth but it may not. Different variants of the virus could be sprayed anywhere to study effects.


Karen | June 20, 2020 at 2:41 pm

I am in Utah County and South Salt Lake County today. Heavy Chemtrails have been disbursed over us extensively. It was clear blue early..then the classic criss cross patterns were there and we watched more planes leaving fresh trails.  Wonder if we will have more C-19 cases within 2 weeks


Worn out, worn down!!  And Ready ~ so, so, SO VERY READY for the rapture!!!!!!

