1 Cor 10:31 (5 July 2020)
"OUTTA' THE BALLPARK!!  Thank you, "Pastor Bob"!! + adding my thoughts...."

By 1 Cor 10:31


I read as much as I can, though obviously can’t be tied to the net 24/7.  Some of Bob’s essays/articles I really agree with.


He knocked it outta’ the ballpark w/the one he wrote titled:   Face Masks Can Damage the Immune System!

SUBTITLE:  Perhaps That Is Why People Are Supposed to Wear Them All Along!


Excellent ~ Excellent ~ Excellent!!!

You can go to www.PastorBobReid.com   and look for this particular article written on 6-24-20             *****A W E S O M E !!!!!!!!!! *****



My husband & I are on the same exact page regarding this!   In that – if people want to wear them, WEAR THEM then, and if you don’t want to wear them, then don’t!!  But ….. do not force us to wear them!!


I keep one in my vehicle just for every now & then, esp. when I go to the dog’s groomer b/c the owner absolutely INSISTS (DEMANDS is a better word)  that customers wear them, otherwise I’m sure she has a right to tell them to take a hike & not come back.  Only b/c T.J. loves going there so much (to him it’s like “vacation”…. Costs about as much, too!  😉)  so I play along as I don’t want to have to start from square one looking for another good groomer.  Hence, once a month +/-, I wear it for 3 minutes while conducting business there!


Our state is more of an open state and so far are not REQUIRED….  I avoid public places which DO require them.   Did have one guy say, “Ma’am” to me in the grocery store the other day as he aimed to get my attention – I wasn’t in the mood for a confrontation!!  Nor did I want a vid to go viral of “Christian woman pushes man to floor & pounces on him before going home to post on Doves!”   ß weak attempt at a joke!  


Too bad, none of this is very funny these days!!  I simply pretended to not hear the man, went on my way.  So far I see no signs posted saying you MUST wear a mask.  Guess there are some which say we’d like you to wear one, but none insisting it’s LAW.


But even our local hospitals are now running TV commercials telling us all to wear them IF WE CARE” for each other!!!!   SURE!!!   Now let’s use GUILT!!!!!


We met friends for lunch today; they are older and came in wearing masks.  Which to us it’s a hoot – considering they wear them all the way across town while driving over, THEN take them off inside the restaurant! 

They said they MUST wear them when they go to church tomorrow.  You’re not going to catch me in any church wearing a mask for 2  hours!!!  Good grief!!  I’m way, way, WAAAAAAY over the top claustrophobic & a hot mask covering my face feels too much like that pillow “a friend” tried to suffocate me with when we were young teens!  She wasn’t playing – it was for real.  I’ve had a BULLS EYE on me (gratis satan)  for most of my life!   I give glory to the Lord for protecting me so, so, SO many unbelievable times!  Even now I’ve got something [big] going on… prayer always appreciated!!  So between claustrophobia & lack of enough oxygen in me to begin with – well, “nuff said”!!!


I like how Pastor Bob even got a little snarky towards the end (shows he’s human!)  saying if you want to wear one, wear it!  Cover your ears and eyes, too, for all I care!  I understand.  Same way I feel.


Oh and BTW, ironic just the other day I thought as time goes by & if I just HAVE to wear one, guess I could make one myself out of NETTING or vented lace or cheesecloth even (to still be able to BREATHE!!!)  And that very afternoon I saw someone had posted the same suggestion at RITAN: “the same idea”!!  NICE!!  https://www.raptureintheairnow.com/topic/if-your-lone-ranger-mask-is-unacceptable-at-the-store/   Perhaps the Holy Spirit was offering the same general idea to both of us on the same day!


I have articles printed out by people such as Dr. Russell Blaylock who speaks of the DANGERS of wearing masks long term!!  {people!!  Even heart attacks &/or strokes!! + the virus can get INTO a person’s BRAIN!!!}  I keep this printed-out article with me in the car, this way if I’m “challenged” when I must be out & about… in a store shopping or just wherever, then I aim to whip it out & give it to someone.  Other than that, I do not intend to “engage” in this never-ending debate!!

         NOTE:  soon after his article appeared online, then other “doctors” (likely the ELITE ones who love unrighteous filthy mammon)  came out saying he is WRONG!!  Surprised..??  Shocked?  Nah, me either!!  He worked as a neurosurgeon for 26+ years – they most likely are not happy that he then turned to NATURAL ways of healing!!


People are clearly very polarized & taking sides!!  And it’s just mind-blowing how many people feed on the MEDIA hype & frenzy!!  WILLING SHEEPLE will do just what they’re told!!  Believing every word of the media & “experts”.  It’s even divided my husband’s family.


BTW, for anyone who’s not aware – an FYI tidbit:  Gov. Newsom (CA) who’s been a real jerk all along (according to my good pal who lives there)  ~  ever notice his gravely voice?  Remind you of anyone?  NANCY PELOSI’S NEPHEW!!!!


It all goes back to what our wonderful online friend/pastor J.D. Faraq has said:  masks NOW ~ but soon:  MARKS!!  And by then, surely everyone will be accustomed to doing EXACTLY as they “are told”!!!!   “for your own good”!!  They’ll tell each other!!...... IF you care!!!!


I came up with this “diddy” this afternoon ~ it’s definitely not polished!!  Feel free to take it & run with it. 

I can’t come up with a last line!  Haha!  (I’m sure not a poet…)



Everyone has their little quirks….


So I’ll tell ya’ here’s what works!


Or should you be curious and ask


You like wearing masks,


Without one you feel inhibiting.


I personally like social distancing.


So please cover your face


And stay out of my space!


Should work for you and it sure works for me


We can both be peachy keen


While out making the scene!


We both have brains


And should manage our own lives


You have no right to tell me what to do.


Neither do I -- to tell you.


And please don’t freak when I have to achoo!! **


It’s allergies for goodness sake


Not a good ending – someone climax it please!!


** It’s true!  I sneezed twice at the coffee shop the other day:  EVERYONE STARES AT ME!!  I said, “It’s ALLERGIES!!  Plus I just had my lawn mowed!”  Good grief ~ what a world!!  Just wait till August (if still here, tho prayerfully not) when RAGWEED SEASON KICKS IN!!  We’ll all have runny noses, teary eyes, coughing, choking, chortling…. They’ll want to throw the whole quarantine net over all of us.






When meeting our older friends at lunch today – this is the honest truth!  I had to hold my breath as I was about to *GAG* from that nasty-smelling Purell hand sanitizer they were both using!!!!


People!!  Sheeple!!  WAKE UP!!!!


Look, I don’t have time to research this & plug sites in here right now…. So here is your “homework”  (in addition to finishing the poem!)  😉  

Hit www.duckduckgo.com  (“supposedly” doesn’t track us…)  and research how PERFUMES are synthetic & cause a mountain of respiratory ailments & problems!!!!   SAME THING FOR DRYER SHEETS!!!!   ß some of thee worst of all!!   AND FEBREEZE!!!!  Beyond horrible!!


We’re talking asthma, migraines, rashes, hives…. A whole long list of “wonderful” ailments – all associated with the ^%$$#!!  Chemicals & junk “they” put in products!!  Been this way for years, everyone!!!!


So if people think masks & perfumed-up hand sanitizers are going to keep them safe:  THINK AGAIN!!!!   I used to take an out & out beating during the good old days at Rapture Ready (I was RJ’s here) especially from a poster named “Cameron” who used to get on many people’s nerves.  He challenged me wondering how I could even function in a world where I was over the top with perfume problems & sensitivities & allergies.  But I’m telling you:  I personally have social distanced even BEFORE social distancing “was cool”!!  I live like a hermit much of the time…. Not by choice but b/c I need my health to be good.  Even when Husband & I were going on a date, we had to make sure to go “off hours”…. Movie?  Sit in the far back by ourselves during an afternoon matinee.  I’d purposely sit in a little spot in church off by myself/ourselves.  People just cannot fathom, cannot possibly realize until they walk a mile in these worn-out shoes!! 


Not only all these other symptoms, but SEVERE brain fog would result from being in the presence of synthetic fragrances!!!!!  We must wonder about a lot of Alzheimer’s people!!  My dad died of it.  He was an “Old Spice” wearer for most of his life.  My aunt died of it.  Her fragrance was “Windsong”.  Last time she visited & spent the night, I went into the worst ever:  a 3 day non-stop MIGRAINE!!!!  Worst I’ve ever had in my life!!  Wasn’t just her cologne, was also her hair spray & her lotion.  She got sick & was never able to visit again.  Though if she would have, we would have had to have sprung for a hotel!!  NO WAY could I have endured that again!!


So it does little good to wear a mask & then slather yourself with synthetic fragrances!  I can tell a mile away if you’ve used Bounce (or any) dryer sheets on your clothes!!


When this virus mess all started, there was a (very large) lady who got in behind me in line at WalMart – she gave me “go to hades” looks for not wearing a mask.  She started putting her doughnuts & Dr. Pepper & whole host of processed foods on the conveyor belt, items she was purchasing.  Put all those “toxins” in your body ~ and no mask in the world is going to RESCUE you!!!


Know I’ve been on a tangent here.  Just sayin’ sayin’ sayin’!!!!!!!


It’s really a good idea for us to build up our immune systems.  Esp. considering all the gunk they’re spraying on us!!  (Referring to my previous article about chemtrails causing covid #’s to spike)


I’ve got only one thing to say:  MARANATHA!!!!!!


Prayerfully & hopefully the Lord Jesus will get us out of here soon!!!!!

