1 Cor 10:31 (5 July 2020)
"precious Patty.... still praying!"

By 1 Cor 10:31


Hi Patty,

Wow, so very sorry to hear you’re being put thru’ the mill once again!


Now I’m not trying to even pretend to diagnose you!  No way, no how!  Just merely wanted to share of my experience….. and for your consideration!


About 20 years ago…. My OB GYN told me my uterus was inflamed – to almost double the size of what it was supposed to be!  Tests run…. Nothing found.  Told me, “you better find out what’s causing that?”


WHAT??  “I” was supposed to find out? 


Well in the mean time I was getting tumors up & down both in front of my torso & in back – though more pronounced in front.    For a short while I took some anti-yeast supplements, likely taking too many for my overly toxic body.  Bad reaction:  One of those knotty tumors busted open.  YUCK!  Putrid!  Almost like the smell of human death (which trust me, is THEE worst smell in the world!!)  But the good thing was, all the poison drained from it.  Sure it was sore for a few days.


At any rate, after being diagnosed with severe allergy to wheat, the naturopath told me to not “go overboard” with corn…. or I’d develop an allergy with that, too!!   Suffice to say, I did the exact opposite of what he’d suggested – as when one gets hungry, you know?  You just eat!  + you want something filling.  Corn was practically my life!  I mean in everything I craved, in everything I ate.   Fortunately I began to suspect corn!


Long story short:  I got completely off ALL corn & corn byproducts (SUPER LONG LIST you can find online!)  and within 2-3 weeks, all the tumors had completely gone away also!  My uterus returned to normal size!!


This happened to me even likely before food was GMO…. Which is horrible enough in itself.  But I was told by a farmer in MO who sprayed his corn liberally with pesticides & herbicides  (even though he was the one growing it)  that he himself “wouldn’t touch the stuff”!!   Due to these poisonous chemicals!!



So I’m merely telling you my story because it’s possible just possible that your body isn’t in need of more toxic “medication”!!  Maybe it’s just in need of a good cleaning out – detox program – to, at the very least, give your body a break from the processed, poisonous foods!!


Good read:  The Lethal Dose by Dr. Jennifer Daniels, can find on amazon for less than $10.  (though I personally do not agree with her prescribed “methods” for treating herself & others w/turpentine!!  Yet I know it’s what they did in the “good ol’ bad ol’ days” but still….. something I personally would never do!!  GOOD INFORMATION in the book though!!


I also personally recommend most any book by Dr. Sherry Rogers – she’s a Christian & boldly announces that & though she’s an M.D. she prefers the naturopathic route!!  My only hesitation is she recommends a boatload of supplements – my word, a person wouldn’t get much done in life if she/he spent every day swallowing that many!  So we use our own God-given brains & figure out the ones which work best for us.


This next lady is NOT a real Christian!! She’s a universalist – teaching EVERYONE goes to heaven…. Exact opposite of what God’s Word says!!  So if you can/will just ignore her spiritual teachings – she’s good on the physical side of healing:   www.DrDay.com  Having rec ‘d natural healing of breast cancer of which she’d been warned to go home & get her affairs in order, that she didn’t have much time!!  Now some 20 years later+ she’s VERY healthy – I’d LOVE to look like she does at age 83!!


Then, too, there’s www.NaturalNews.com  but it can get pretty political & polarized lately – not that I don’t agree, I do agree with much of it – yet I know when we have a steady stream of that stuff = fear & stress = more stress & sickness on the human body.  We flat NEED A BREAK from the tsunami of horrible news all the time!!  Give yourself this gift & grace!!


I pray you’ll see better health as you aim to nourish & cherish your body (Biblical) in the time we’ve got left here!!


Praying!  Please pray for us, too, as I’ve mentioned:  satan’s BULLS EYE on me & my husband – so we must be doing something to egg him on!!


Keep us updated.

