1 Cor 10:31 (5 July 2020)

By 1 Cor 10:31


My previous 3 articles posted here were written THE WEEK PREVIOUS – intended for last Sunday, but then no postings for last week…. yet we understand!!  Although going without Doves makes one weak!   😉   (WEEK)…..


At any rate, I could really use some big prayer for a big thing (which is DEFINITELY NOT good!)  going on in my life!   The kind of thing that you just know “happens to SOMEONE ELSE” but not to me!!  It’s evil, trust me, VERY evil!!   Let’s just call it “unspoken” as there’s no way I could put all of it here.


Won’t we be beyond glad when we’re “up there” with our Lord & Savior?  Where evil of any form can no longer touch us??  Come after us??  Harm us in ANY possible way??   I keep thinking as wacky & evil as this world is – our escape just HAS to be soon!!!  Let’s not give up on this very year.   I don’t know for fact, none of us do:  but I can see the rapture easily happening this summer – BEFORE Rosh Hashana even gets here!!!   Let’s hope!  Let’s pray!!


THANK YOU for the prayer!!!!!!   Each & every prayer is MUCH appreciated!!