1 Cor 10:31 (5 July 2020)
"She can barely even function!"

By 1 Cor 10:31


Calling on all dog lovers once again!!!   You guys & gals know what it’s like to lose our best friends!!  Pure heartache!  Admit, I’ve often cried more over losing a dog than over a human even!  No, doesn’t mean I love them more – just that they are our CONSTANT non-judgmental companions, always so eager to please!!   Always by our sides no matter, who love us unconditionally à  truly reflective of The Father’s love!!


Generally I try to keep my friends’ prayer requests just to myself & pray for them on my own.  Can use some help though!!  Neighbor/friend is losing her Golden Retriever (may already pass by the time this gets posted)   


Background:  Her Goldie has been her “lifeline” as all she has else in life is 2 grown dd’s – I don’t know where the heck they are, but don’t talk to her – and a grown dd who lives w/her who is severely handicapped both physically & mentally…. P.B. takes care of her 24/7.  So her Goldie has been just the best part of her life! 

She’s just flattened by the news of cancer & not much time!  P.B. will take it SOO hard, I just hope, hope, hope she doesn’t do something just awful!!  Praying for her constantly!!  I know she’d be a gem at volunteering w/Golden “Rescue” if she ever feels up to it….. though I also very much understand you don’t want “another” and have to start all over – esp. after you’ve got your camaraderie already together w/your current “baby”!!


I know I can count on some of you Doves, esp. fellow dog lovers to pray for her as well!!!  She’d mentioned on email she doesn’t know how she’s going to “go on” without her beloved dog!!!   She just absolutely COULD NOT BE comforted when her last dog died 2 years back, and she knew she was blessed that at least she still had this one.


{sigh!  I just hate death SOOO much!!  Both human and beast!!}



And for those who don’t love animals or pets much (I once read Cary Grant was that way…. Ewww!!)   Anyway, think twice – and start learning to love God’s creation!!  Scripture says:   Psalm 36:6/b  You care for people and animals alike, O Lord.  NLT


Revelation 5 has much to say about how animals WILL be in heaven and WILL be praising the Lord!!  Right along with us!!  Sooo…. Better start enjoying them now!


My last little dog actually KNEW who Jesus was!!!!  I’m serious as a heart attack…. just don’t have time to go into it right now.


Lisa, you’re gonna’ love this!!  I don’t know for fact, but can very much presume that animals are going to “give an account” of how they were treated on earth!  And the people who did not regard their beasts, who were cruel, mean and wicked to them  [Proverb 12:10  A righteous man regards the life of his animal, but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel.  NKJV]

IMHO – this WILL be brought up at Judgment Day & will definitely go on their “permanent” record!!  Again, just IMHO.


Thanks you guys for praying for P.B.!!! 

I know!  I know!  There are millions of needing-to-be-loved domestic animals in the universe (unfortunately!!)  but this does not diminish the heartache of losing a precious “family member” presently.

Thanks again.