1 Cor 10:31 (19 July 2020)
"just a hop skip & a jump from enforcing masks to enforcing MARKS!!"

By 1 Cor 10:31


Greetings!  In the (most hopeful) year of the rapture!!= Our redemption!!


I know I’m always running my theories by you.  Here’s one!


It was only a matter of time before the big stores (Wal-Mart, Target, et al) started REQUIRING all customers to wear masks!!  And no doubt, they’ll station at least one employee at the entrance to play “mask cop” and be the enforcer!  (I’d hate to be that guy!)


We watchers also know that soon after we’re gone –  the world will go from masks to maRks!!    One letter difference!!!


Note:  how easily the whole world (most anyway) “go along” with WHAT THEY ARE TOLD TO DO regarding wearing masks – with very little pushback!!  Granted some if not many feel they MUST wear one for protection from the virus.  Lord love those people!


Saw a funny incident today!!  One lady, immediately after eating & before she stepped foot outside to leave the restaurant:  MASK IN PLACE ON HER FACE!!!!   You know the drill!!  Yet, I got my food to go, so while I watched her do that – then I was already out in my car by the time she actually came out.  She then got in her car, stripped the mask off her face – and IMMEDIATELY lit up a cigarette!!!!!!!  Looked like she enjoyed taking in a few really deep drags.  “Ahh!!  Relax!  It’s cigarette break time!!”…..


YOU & I BOTH KNOW if she were to get covid – she’d claim it came from the NON MASK WEARERS!!!!!!   Guaranteed!!  Cause that’s been drilled into her brain!!  Thru’ all the 24/7 media hype & plus from evil scientist/doctors!!    CAN ALMOST PROMISE SHE’D NEVER LOOK TO HERSELF TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR HER OWN BREATHING ISSUES – FROM SMOKING POISONOUS/TOXIC CIGARETTES!!!!  {and for how many years….??}

Not telling you anything you don’t know!  Tis the way of the world right now!!  Up is down, down is up, black is white, white is black, on & on & on…..  everyone is soooo happy to pass the buck!!!! 


Anyway, back to my (easy to believe) scenario of after the rapture:  you know how many stores now not only ENFORCE mask wearing, some even take your temperatures as you walk in (without your knowing it).


Sooooo…… it’s an EASY JUMP really to – once the mark of the beast is enforced after the rapture – for at least one store checker/enforcer to stand at the entrance & scan read everyone who walks in to MAKE SURE they have “the tattoo”  (again, I don’t give a flip whether it’s IN or ON the forehead or right hand….. stupid really for us to go on eternally arguing about that…..I’ve said before I think the TATTOO (though invisible ink) which is part of “the vaccine” will be THEE MARK!!!!  Because it’s already on the agenda to FORCE **EVERYONE** IN THE WORLD TO TAKE IT!!!!!  NO freedom of choice any more!!!!!

The way they’ve got people SOOO SCARED of the virus now – the left behind world will just LOVE to push each other out of the way as they line up to take THE MARK!!!  Regardless of “what” the mark is:   Just PRAY you’ll be one of the ones to be ACCOUNTED WORTHY to get on outta’ here – before all this occurs!!!  {per Luke 21:36!!}


My husband’s aunt, on FB, got all cussy mouthed with ppl calling them certain derogatory names for not putting masks on!!  catholic lady (hate it when spellchecker automatically capitalizes catholic for me!!  I go back and UNCAPITALIZE it!!    At any rate, if she’s THIS MEAN and critical towards those who’d rather not wear masks – can you only imagine how she’ll name call AND TURN PEOPLE IN (even relatives!!)  who choose to not take THE MARK??!!  “TAKE THE MARK you _ _ _ _ _ _ _   I can just “hear” her screaming!! 

And she’ll be so certain it’s “the right thing to do” when the pope (Mr. False Prophet) is the very one ordering people!!


And believe it!!  If they can scan read your temperature NOW & get your facial recognition as you enter a public place without you even knowing it – OF COURSE they’ll have machines set up to READ whether or not you have the mark!!!   (meaning the GENERAL left-behind “you”)   This world is just a hop, skip & a jump away from it!!!!!


Sometimes this wild ride before our “COME UP HERE!” happens – can make you nauseous!!  What with all the wildness of a tilt-a-whirl at the county fair!!  The adventures, the scares, the fear (sometimes it’s easy to get that way).  … the bumpy wild ride, swinging you & tilting you this way & that!!  Leaving you absolutely breathless with wild hair!!


  • Pray MARANATHA!!!!!
  • Even so COME Lord Jesus!!!

We can just feel the evil closing in around us!!  Yet we don’t want to be part of it!!  I admit/CONFESS!!!  I’m not happy with my thought life lately – what’s in my heart comes out my mouth & I’ve been really “cussy” over this whole mess lately.  HATE THAT!!  I’ve confessed to the Lord. THANKFULLY I have His forgiveness!!  None of us could merit heaven on our own.


BTW, I get to thinking you know how even now – we Christian watchers are bombarding heaven with HOW MUCH LONGER LORD??!!  

Sooo…. Can you imagine the Trib Saints who will be asking that very thing?  When things are 1 million times more intense & so many people they know are getting slaughtered!!  And they, too, know they’ll have to face execution just any day?  May not even live thru’ the night before their door is broken down & they are taken away…..


Perhaps even now, we can pray for their bravery!!



Our redemption draws nigh!!!

