1 Cor 10:31 (12 July 2020)
"Even writing little blubs on forums can be SUCH A blessing!!

1 Cor 10:31


Hi everyone,


Evil and/or challenges and/or tribulations ß small “t”) ramped up against you, too, lately?


Let me tell you I was SO hyper focused on what was going on with me personally ~~ and SOOOO unbelievably DRAINED emotionally as well as physically – that I’d “temporarily” had brain freeze & forgot the Lord is even coming soon!!   Very, very, VERY temporarily – but as I say, evil has come head on against me lately.



So one day I was surfing a few of my usual online hangouts….. RITAN is one of them though I’ve never joined – yet I feel a bond with those (you) people!!   Maybe cause we’re “related”??  You are brothers & sisters in the Lord, and I am a sister, too.


So anyway, I came across a post started by TR (Tender Reed)  and ALL you writers & contributors ARE SPECIAL, BTW!!


But once in a while, a certain post will just “speak to me PERSONALLY” ~ as in Ahh, I NEEDED to hear that!!


This time, thank you TAMMIE!!!  ~~ big hug in heaven because you blessed me!!  [Seriously after the scare/s I’ve been thru’ lately w/my stalker – yes, seriously, a stalker!!  High profile person – at least in my state – this is what makes him SOOO Dangerous, is with that drop dead gorgeous smile, no one would believe inside is lurking the heart of an evil monster!!!….. Jeepers, don’t know why satan thinks he has to come after me with the “big guns”….????  This guy has pestered me day and night…. Bugging my phone, waiting for me!!  Currently I’m “boxed in” and not even talking to anyone on my phone as I don’t want my info to be overheard….]    But anyway, as I read your post, which really was just an ordinary post anyone could have written – difference is Tammie, YOU wrote it & YOU took the time!!   And seriously as I read it, I noticed my BREATHING even became more relaxed & stable!!!!


Truly an Ahhhh moment!  Had not realized how all this evil had been AFFECTING me!!  And that I was even NEEDING to relax.


And truly all you wrote as you responded to a poster named, Blue:


Blue – several folks I know and myself included, have left “gifts” for individuals left. Some food sources and lots of scripture, tracks scattered everywhere (in books among the vast library, buckets, first aid, survival gear, and Bibles, etc…) your family will come looking for answers before the strong delusions.  I have asked a God to allow these things in my home to survive so as to be a witness after we are gone. Movies, DVD Bible studies, etc…  one of my dear friends and colleague put scripture laminated in the walls of her house when they built and written on some of the studs. As God directs, prepare for them as you can, 3×5 cards with relevant gospel scripture written on them is a great idea as well. If you happen to be one of the lucky ones that God has given you time (sequestered in home) to prepare — write fast, you don’t have much time left.



We all have varying opinions on whether to leave anything for those coming in after us (and it’s OKAY to have different opinions!!)  The Lord may tell me to do one thing and tell you to do something else…. Regarding food, notes, first aid, Bibles, prayers, etc. etc. etc.


I think it was mainly your “write fast, you don’t have much time left”, Tammie, which brought the MUCH needed smile to my heart!!!!   Thank you, thank you!!


As well as turning lemons into lemonade – by saying if you happen to be one of the LUCKY ones that God has given you TIME TO PREPARE  (one of the sequestered in home)


SEE??  Being one who likes to be on the go – well to get out and run a few local errands at the very least…. It was easy for me to do the “oh moan!” Feel sorry for myself routine ~~ thanks to the GLOBALISTS for having us all boxed in!!!!!!!

DH & I have not been happy campers as we do not believe in masks – (tell me if the COVID tests are done by sticking a long Q-tip way up into a person’s BRAIN – then truly how could it spread by merely one speck of saliva thru’ a sneeze or cough or by talking….??  Why don’t they merely take one drop of saliva for “the test” instead..??   “Tangent”…. At any rate….)  so though DH & I truly hate masks with all our hearts, ….our state, county is now stepping in line with the Marxists & forcing everyone to wear one!!!


Which means…. I will rarely leave this house!!!  My oxygen is very low to start with [raised in a smoke-filled home both cigarettes AND cigars AND sometimes even pipes!!]  & then if you cover me & SMOTHER ME with a mask – well, I’ll be doing ALL my grocery shopping even online.


And since I’m not talking on my cellphone what with it being bugged –


Then I guess I’ll turn to the computer & find my friends there!


Thanking the Lord for even simple messages!!


I keep a very large file on my desktop which says TIME IS SHORT & on it I have pasted many items from the past few years – just so you’ll know & won’t feel you’re wasting your time, this includes snippets of what Doves write – and it includes many writers from RITAN as well [David R., Tender Reed, & many others, some of whom moved on when the first board closed.  Tom’s pictures!!  I actually misted up when I learned Tom had graduated from this life!!]

Anyway, don’t ever ever ever think that anything you do for the Lord – even the small things like writing on a forum – does not have great impact.  IT DOES!!!!


Thank you Tender Reed for starting that post.  Thank you ALL who contributed to it! 


Thank you, Tammie!  I ~WILL~ write FAST!!!   😉