1 Cor 10:31 (12 July 2020)
"*** VERY possible end day scenario/theories!!!!  Please Lord!!  Come for us!!"

1 Cor 10:31


Last week I told you guys in a post here at Doves – how PERFUME POISON **can** and DOES affect our breathing in a very negative way!!!


I found this site some 20 years ago & just now looked again only to be SOOO happy it’s still online!!  Have a peek:   https://ourlittleplace.com/health-risks-of-perfume   You can find many, many other solid reports online of how [synthetic] perfume is PURE POISON!!!!



Okie-dokie – so on with the show!  I want to talk about some things which have been revolving around in my ol’ head!!!


Many of us KNOW the scam-demic  a.k.a. as PLANNED demic – was orchestrated by globalists!!!!   Some think it’s to kick our Pres. out of office.  I personally believe it’s FAR MORE EVIL than that!!  And has to do with purposely DEPOPULATING the earth!!  {RE:  Georgia Guidestones…. Surely you’re familiar??  If not, dig into it….}


TWO of my local department/clothing stores have just recently been PUMPING nasty-smelling POISONOUS PERFUME through their vents now!!!!  To many if not most it would smell pleasant – delightful!!

Except to us who are super sensitive to synthetic fragrances!!  And who KNOW beyond the shadow of a doubt they are TOXIC & damaging our health!!!!!


Suffice to say, though DH & I (esp. DH for work) needs a new pair of trousers now & then…. I will not be stepping foot back into either of these stores!!  The last I shopped in one, I came out with a HUGE migraine!!   Had to stop at a drive-thru’ for some iced tea (caffeine to kill the headache).  Yet the migraine continued & pretty much RUINED the rest of the day for me!!   Then the other day I was in the other ad noticed I started choking up – chortling is what I call it – and of course realized the “smell” being pumped thru’ the vents.  Took care of my limited business & “hightailed it” outta’ there!!


GLOBALISTS are PURPOSELY trying to “delete us” off this earth!!  My theory:  It’s quite possible that some of the chain department store owners ARE globalists – and are “helping this along” by poisoning us while we are doing something as innocent as trying to shop for work clothes!! 

OF COURSE when the perfume affects someone’s respiratory system – everyone will CLAIM (LIE!!!)  that it’s COVID – and the store will claim immunity (it’s not THEIR Fault!!)  because they REQUIRED people to WEAR MASKS!!!!  And stand 6 feet apart!!!!   Lie, lie, lie, lie!!!!!!   I sure hope they enjoy the “tropics” at 2000+ degrees!!  BECAUSE ALL LIARS WILL GO TO THE ETERNAL FIRES!!!!!!!


Revelation 21:8  “But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and ALL LIARS – they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur.  This is the second death.”   NIV   


You see:  when the 4 horsemen ride – though they are BIBLICAL God-given judgments on people of the earth – just from things we’re all (most of us avid “watchers” anyway)  are noticing:  I think it will the globalists who will have a “whip to the horses’ backsides” PUSHING THEM ALONG!!!!!!!   “THEY” will actually WELCOME the judgments because

  1. Many of them will not even be affected  (touch not the oil & the wine)  and
  2. This will HELP wipe out all those “bottom feeding earth dwellers” who are USING UP the RESOURCES that Ted Turner & Bill Gates, Richard Branson, Bill Clinton, et al (all globalists)  WANT FOR THEMSELVES!!!!!!!!!!


Another possible theory is:   I have an app on my phone which helps alert various neighbors to break-ins, burglaries, car thefts, etc. etc.  Just yesterday I saw there’s a NOTICE from a “TEAM” (an “outside” team of neighbors basically meaning it could be just any government agency)  suggesting everyone be EXTRA VIGILANT DURING A DROUGHT!!!!  Oh!  And BTW:  then it goes on to say “here” are some suggestions how to conserve water.


Alrighty then!!  Yes, it’s summer here in the U.S. however, NOT all parts of the U.S. are in drought ……  YET!!!    Now I don’t know whether or not you believe in HAARP  (pls research)  and quite honestly I’m not sure how even I feel as to whether man has that ability to control the weather.  It’s possible, I suppose!!  AND if it IS possible, then I can very well see man doing it!!!   What “toy” has been given to man which he has NOT used????


So naturally my antenna went up & I thought!!   IS A DROUGHT THE NEXT THING THEY HAVE PLANNED FOR US????   [the funny thing here:  I went to WalMart & bought 5 gallons of water!  CHUCKLES….. Like THAT is going to do much good for the long haul….]


Again, my curiosity was piqued…. So looking at the 4 horsemen judgments (which as you will recall happen during the FIRST PART of the Tribulation!!  Soon after the ANTICHRIST takes the reigns….)


  1. AntiChrist is on the scene, signs the peace agreement with Israel… the ahem, “Deal of the Century”??
  2. WAR  (likely world war 3) + other civil wars inside individual countries (definitely inc. America!!  ß daughter of Babylon!!  Jeremiah 50 & 51
  4. DEATH


Okay, it does not take a brain surgeon to put 2 & 2 together….. what could possibly CAUSE a famine???


LACK OF WATER!!!!!!!   A DROUGHT!!!!!!!  So as not be able to GROW fruits & vegetables & not be able to give drink to animals which would be consumed.  Then when people are literally killing each other over a drink of water or a bite to eat = DEATH worldwide!!



Connecting the dots here!!!   If an immediate drought is on the horizon & outside sources on my phone app are suggesting we prepare for it --  and this drought will definitely lead to war, famine & death……


Ladies & Gentlemen!!!  I’m not telling (most of)  you something you don’t already know: that those 4 horsemen are GETTING READY TO RIDE!!!!!!!!!!!   GALLOP even!!!!!!!


{{{{And prayerfully, WE ARE TOO!!!!  >>  Except ours will be a RAPTURE RIDE TO HEAVEN!!!!!!!!}}}}


Oh that we may all join forces & pray our Luke 21:36 escape will BE SOON!!!!!   I soooo hope it’s before the vaccines are expected!!  {which that’s to start in late September & October 2020!!!!   THIS YEAR!!!!!  In a FEW months!!!!!!!)


Let’s all pray:  EVEN SO, “COME” Lord Jesus!!!!!!!!!  <<Will you please ask Him this SEVERAL TIMES this coming week??? 


Don’t know about you, but I really prefer to WATCH how the rest of this plays out from the balcony of Heaven!!!


Amen & MARANATHA!!!!!!!!!!

