1 Cor 10:31 (12 July 2020)
"get comfortable with the UNCOMFORTABLE new abnormal!!"

By 1 Cor 10:31


Folks!!  This (current situation, “crisis” pandemic…. Whatever you wish to call it!!  I call it SCAMdemic and/or PLANdemic……)   anyway, it is NOT going away!!!  Not until the globalists (just look how much HELP the AntiChrist will have!!!!)  Not until the globalists MARK us…. CHIP us…. And TRACK us….. 



So may this snippet encourage us!!



 He is coming back soon so He (in His mercy) allowed this world to receive a wake up alarm that nobody could bury their head in the sand and ignore (current events).  Stop trying to get back to normal and become comfortable being uncomfortable in this new abnormal normal understanding the big picture of what’s going on…..



Written at:   http://christianitynotchurchianity.blogspot.com/