F.M. Riley (7 July 2019)
"Psalm Two"

Psalm Two
                                                                    By Pastor F. M. Riley
                                                                    July 4, 2019
     "And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess, but be  filled with the Spirit;
     Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;"
                                                                             Ephesians 5:18-19
     A couple of days ago, I began an intensive study of the Psalms again.  I have studied this inspired book a number of times over the years, but felt the Lord was laying it on my heart   to study it again.  I was not mistaken, for when I read this second Psalm, it seemed like this time it was almost jumping off the pages of my Bible at me.  What a message!  
     It became instantly clear to me that this second Psalm is describing the very end-time in which we true believers are living today.  But as I read this Psalm I was made to wonder why this second Psalm would be located right at the beginning of the Psalms, and yet would be describing the end-time in which we are living today?  And then the answer became glaringly clear.   The truths set forth in this second Psalm is what I want to share with our readers in this study.......
The Book of Psalms
     Many who read this book have the idea that it is just a book of unrelated Psalms brought together in no special order, for the purpose of composing a song book for the Jewish people.  This idea could not be more wrong!  Those readers who carefully study the Psalms while praying for the guidance of God's Holy Spirit, will be enabled to see that the Psalms set forth, in more or less prophetical order, God's great Plan of the Ages, just like many of the other books of the Bible do.   If our readers will carefully notice, it is the last few Psalms, from about Psalm 88 right on through Psalm 150, which particularly speak of the events of the end-time.  There is no way that this is just "coincidence."  "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness." 2 Timothy 3:16.  This includes The Book of Psalms!  So now let's turn our attention to.......
Psalm 2
     This entire Psalm sets forth a  description of  the end-time in which we believers are living today.  This should be seen clearly by our readers as we proceed with this study.  
     Since the entire Book of Psalms does set forth God's Plan of the Ages for mankind, I was made to wonder why this second Psalm was located right at the front of this book?  Then as I continued to study and pray, the answer came across quite clearly.  
     The prophet Isaiah, when writing about God, was inspired to write, "Remeber the former things of old: For I am God, and there is none like Me,
     Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My council shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure," Isaiah 46:9-10.  
     There is the answer to why this second Psalm, which speaks of the end-time, is located right at the beginning of the Book of Psalms.  It is because, while the Book of Psalms sets forth God's Plan of the Ages for mankind, in placing this second Psalm right at the beginning, the Lord God cleary demonstrates that it is He alone who knows "the end from the beginning."   Glory to God!  Praise the Lord!  
The Question  
     Psalm 2:1....."Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?"  
     Now let's take a close look at this first Scripture.  Although it is only one sentence, there are two questions set forth in it.  
     First,,  "Why do the heathen rage"?  The word translated as "heathen" in this Scripture, literally means "Gentiles" or "nations."  See Strong's No. 1471.
     The word translated as "rage" literally means, "to assemble together [as a mob] in a tumultous manner." See Strong's No. 7283.  Wow!  
     Do our readers see any of this going on today?  Ho boy! Do we ever!   With every passing day, there are protests, demonstrations, marches, parades, and riots, taking place somewhere in this country, or in other nations around the world.  Every single day!  Angry protests over something is happening somewhere with every passing day.  The people in this country, and also in other countries, are literally raging in the streets, protesting about something or someone, and demanding their "rights." This inspired Scripture makes it clear that such protests are "a sign" of the end-time; one of the "signs" commonly overlooked by God's people who are seriously "watching" for our Lord's coming, Mark 13:35-37.       
     Second, "And the people imagine a vain thing?"  The word translated as "people" in this Scripture is plural in the Hebrew text; literally "peoples." This is true in most places where the word occurs in the Old Testament.   So this includes all of the various peoples of the Gentile nations on the earth.  
     God's inspired Word says that they are imagining "a vain thing."  So what is it that the peoples of the earth are imagining?  The answer to this question is found in the next two Scriptures.......
Psalm 2:2-3
     "The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against His anointed, saying,
     Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us."   
     Dear readers, this is the attitude of much of the unbelieving, lost, world today. It sure is!  From peoples living in poverty to the multi-millionares in high places in government, there is a general consensus, that if they could just rid themselves of Bible believing Christianity, then mankind could go their own way, do their own thing, and settle their own problems without interference from the "mythical" God of the Jews and  "Christians." The peoples of the world, and their leaders, are so spiritually blind, that they don't even realize, that God has allowed them to have their own way, and  "do their own thing," for centuries, and just look at the mess the world is in!  
The Return of the "Dark Ages"      
     There is a strong and growing movement today, among those who rule the nations, to remove every trace of God, Christ, and the Bible, from off the face of the earth.  Bitter persecution of Christians, has already began in some nations, especially in third world countries, such as the Central African Republic.  There, even as I write, the Muslim invaders are burning Christian churches, murdering Christian men and women, including their little children, raping and murdering Christian women, and looting and burning the homes of Christian believers.  You haven't heard about it?  Now I wonder why?  A story like this ought to be front page news today.  But it isn't!  Is it possible that the liberal leftist news media is censoring the news, without the knowledge or consent of the peoples they are supposed to be serving?  Could that possibly be?   If any reader doubts what I have said here, , write or email The Voice of the Martyrs ministry at 1815 SE Bison Road, Bartlesville, Oklahoma 74006-9938.  They will verify what I have just written with photos of the persecution,  destruction, and death, taking place against Christians going on right now in the Central African Republic.  And not one  word is being said about it by the leftist liberal world news media.  
Soon Coming to America
     But how does that effect Christians here in America?  Those readers who keep up with the news know that thousands of "illegal immigrants" are attempting to enter the United States every single day.  Among them are many Muslims.  Need I say more?   
      Are our readers aware that at least two Christian churches, sometimes three, are being set afire and burned somewhere in America every month?  Likely not, if you are depending on the liberal news media to tell you, for they aren't reporting a word about it to the public.
Wickedness in "High Places"     
     Further, legislation has been introduced before the American Congress, making it a criminal offense to "discriminate" in any manner against those of other races or "religions,"  or those who  practice life styles other than what has been commonly practiced by the American people through out most of America's existence as a nation.  
     This legislation includes speaking against those who favor the abortion of the innocent unborn.  This proposed legislation, in other words, is directly intended to protect those favoring abortion, those of the Muslim religion, those who have chosen the homosexual life style, homosexual marriage, transgenders, cross dressers, etc.  This proposed legislation would make it a criminal offense to speak or write a single word of protest against any of this wickedness.  This legislation proposes heavy fines and even prison time for those [Christians] who dare to violate it.   
       If this rotten legislation is approved by Congress and signed into law by the President, Americans can kiss their "freedom of speech" goodbye.  It will be flushed right down the toilet of human history.  Is this plain enough?   If our readers have never written or called their congressman to let them know how you stand on such legislation,  perhaps this would be a good time to do so.  
Independence Day  
     I am writing this study on "Independence Day," July 4th, when all of America is supposed to be celebrating the great "freedom and liberty"  the people of this nation won in their war of independence in 1776, now 243 years ago.  But as I write, my heart is grieved for America and the American people.  
     This country is no longer "the land of the free, and home of the brave."  It is not even the America I grew up in as a child.  This nation today is ENSLAVED by it's own greed and evil and wickedness and rebellion, against God who brought it into existence as a "Christian" nation 243 years ago.  
     Today, there will be speeches made recalling America's Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.  Why?  The Declaration of Independence was not the greatest document ever written by men.  The Constitution that is supposed to govern our nation, is mostly ignored by the politicians today, as they "do their own thing."  
     The two greatest documents ever drawn up, and written by   mankind were likely the Magna Charta, and the Mayflower Compact, both documents giving honor to the Lord God, who is the author and bestower of true freedom and liberty for all of mankind.   To God be the glory.  
     It is precisely because the people of America have turned away from the Lord God, and today are "raging" in the streets, and imagining "a vain thing," that America is on the brink of imminent destruction, Psalm 9:17; Jeremiah 30:11.  
God's Response
     Psalm 2:4......."He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision,"
     Laughter.......The Lord God is not mocked, nor intimidated by the "raging" of the nations, or by their imagining "a vain thing," Galatians 6:7-8.   
      Rather, He is amused as He watches feeble little mankind struggling against the will and power of their own Creator.  How utterly foolish unbelieving mankind is upon the earth.
     The term, "Almighty God," was not placed in the inspired Word as a mere "figure of speech."  Rather, it means what is says.  God is the Almighty!.  We don't have to guess about the outcome of those who think they can take on and defeat "Almighty God."
     Psalm 2:5......."Then shall He speak unto them in His WRATH, and vex them in His sore displeasure."
     Wrath.......For the past 2,000 years mankind has been living in the Dispensation of Grace.  This period of time began at the first coming of Christ, and was purchased for those who would believe, by the sacrifice of Christ at Calvary. Because of the precious blood of Christ, during this present  dispensation, God has extended "grace" to fallen mankind, while  tolerating man's sin, rebellion, evil,  and wickedness.  The God whom believers love and serve is indeed kind, compassionate, caring, and longsuffering with mankind, Exodus 34:5-7; 2 Peter 3:9; 3:15.  
     But now here in exact prophetical  order in this Psalm, the Lord God is revealing the time of God's "wrath;" the terrible Tribulation period, to take place immediately following this present Dispensation of Grace.  
      There is a limit even to  the patience of God, and He has "appointed a time" when His grace and patience upon mankind will come to an abrupt end.  Almighty God will then pour out His "wrath" upon all Christ rejecting unbelievers, as He takes vengeance upon them for rejecting and crucifying His Son. Read it for yourself in Acts 17:26 and 17:31.   And dear readers, that "appointed time" is almost here.  This present dispensation is nearly over, and then will come God's "WRATH" upon Christ rejecting mankind during the seven year Tribulation period.  Every reader has been warned!  Eternity is a long time to spend in the fires of Hell.  If any reader is unsaved, or has a lost loved one, NOW is the time you should be earnestly praying for them, witnessing to them, and pleading with them to receive the Lord Jesus as their Savior.  Tomorrow may just be one day too late!  
The Kingdom of Christ
     Psalm 2:6-8......."Yet have I set My King upon My holy hill of Zion,  
     I will declare the decree; the Lord hath said unto Me, Thou art My Son; this day have I begotten Thee.
     Ask of Me, and I shall give Thee the heathen for Thine inheritasnce, and the uttermost parts of the earth for Thy possession."  
     Again, in exact prophetical order this Psalm prophesies the Kingdom of Christ being established upon the earth immediately following the Tribulation period; God's "áppointed" time to pour out His "wrath" upon all of Christ rejecting humanity.  
     Is the exact prophetical  order of end-time events set forth in this Psalm just "coincidence," or is God displaying the Divine Inspiration of His  wonderful Word?  Every honest reader knows the answer.  
     In spite of the "raging" of mankind upon the earth, and their "vain" plans to erase God and His Word from among mankind, God's Kingdom will be established on this earth by our Lord Jesus Christ..  And just as many explorers have done throughout history when claiming a new land for their country, the Lord Jesus will one day soon lift up His voice, and "declare the decree" that the earth and all of surviving mankind upon it has become His Kingdom.  This "decree" will sound forth by the Lord Jesus from God's "holy hill of Zion."  
The Importance of Mount Zion
     Dear readers, the so-called "temple mount" today, IS NOT the true Temple Mount, never was, and never will be.  Read on.......
     King David prayed earnestly to the Lord many centuries ago, seeking His guidance to build "a house for His name."  God answered David's prayers, showing him where the Temple was to be built, and guiding him in preparing the materials that would go into the Temple.  Then David's son, King Solomon built the Temple the exact way, and in the exact place, he had been shown by King David.  The location selected by David, following the leadership of the Lord, was "Mount Zion."  All through the Old Testament, again and again, there are references to "Mount Zion" being the Lord's mountain, and the mountain from which the Lord Jesus Christ shall rule and reign over the entire earth.  Look up "Mount Zion" in your Bible and study the many references for yourself.  
     Verification of this truth was furnished by the wicked Roman army in 70 A.D.  God's Word explicitly says, "Surely the wrath of man shall praise Thee: the remainder of wrath shall Thou restrain," Psalm 76:10.  
     Dear readers, Christian history records that after the Roman army had conquered, burned, and destroyed the city of Jerusalem and the Temple of God, they plowed the land, and sowed it with salt, thinking that they were destroying the city and the Temple for ever; that it could never be rebuilt.  But God is still in control, and He had His own plans.   
     Now dear readers, take a close look at what is being called, the  "temple mount" today.  Can our readers even imagine   this mountain, with it's steep slopes, being plowed, with horses and the primitive plows used in 70 A.D.?  Ridiculous!  Yet history records that the Roman armies plowed the site of the ancient Jewish Temple.  So where did they actually plow?  I'm so glad you ask!  
     In the old "City of David," a mile or so North of David's palace, is the location of "Mount Zion" on the North side of the city. [Compare Isaiah 14:13]. The entire top of Mount Zion is a large flat plateau, which even today is plowed and used to raise crops.  It would have been easy for the Roman armies to plow.  
      It was on this large flat plateau on Mount Zion that Solomon built the first Temple, and it is on this large flat plateau that the Lord God will build the Millennial Temple described in Ezekiel 40-48.  And from that Millenial Temple Christ will reign for ever and ever, Ezekiel 43:6-7.  Compare Zechariah 14:9-11.  Right now, Mount Zion is a low mountain, what one might call a "high hill."  But when the Lord comes again. Mount Zion will be lifted up above all other mountains and hills in Israel, and the Temple described in Ezekiel will be built on it's flat top. There will be a highway built from the base of the mountain to the top, for the use of worshippers going up to worship before the Lord, Isaiah 35:8-10.  See also  Micah 4:1-3, Zechariah 14:16-17, and Isaiah 56:7.  Glory to God!  May He hasten the day!
The Reign of Christ
     Psalm 2:9......."Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; Thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel."
     Following the end of the Tribulation, and the Lord's defeat and destruction of all His enemies, the Lord Jesus Christ will begin His reign as King over all of surviving mankind left on the earth.  
     The reason why no nation in human history has ever lasted more than an average of 200 years, is because the government inevitably becomes corrupt.  Since authority is not invested in one righteous person, not much can be done about the corruption.  And precisely because of the corrupt government,  the nation inevitably collapses.  This has been repeated over and over throughout human history.  
     However, the reign of Christ is going to be entirely different than the kingdoms of men.  Christ is God incarnate, totally righteous and incorruptible.  Christ Himself will be what men today call an "autocrat" or a "dictator." He will have absolute power and authority over the entire earth, and all of mankind upon it.  Christ will exercise His authority to maintain a God honoring, totally righteous Kingdom, at all times.  The inspired Word states three times that He will rule "with a rod of iron."  Every reader knows that iron does not bend.  Iron is inflexible.  So the reign of Christ will not tolerate sin and wickedness in the Kingdom at any time.  None!
The Lord's Amazing Government  
     It is well known that every President or ruler has a "cabinet" of important officials who help him run the government.  Likewise Christ will have such officials in His government.  Oh, glory to God, yes He will!  Christ has been preparing His government ever since His first coming.  How?
     Through the "new birth," John 3:3-7.   When each of us were born into this world, we were born in a body of flesh as members of the fallen Adamic race, and were "the sons of men."  .     But when we received Christ as our own personal Savior, we were "born again," just as the Scripture states..  Only this time our soul or "inner man" was born of the Spirit, and given a spiritual body, 1 Corinthians 15:44.  We believers are now "sons of God" and members of the "family of God."  
      Presently, we are still living in our old body of flesh.  This causes us to appear to others as just another human being.  But one day REAL SOON the Lord Jesus is coming to rapture us to Heaven above, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.   When the Lord appears, our body of flesh will be instantly changed, and made like His own glorious [glorified] body, 1 Corinthians 15:51-53;  Philippians 3:20-21; 1 John 3:1-2.    
      Our new body will be like the body of Christ;  "incorruptible."  This means, just like Christ, it will be impossible for us to sin.  We will then be capable of exercising "the mind of Christ" [1 Corinthians 2:16], which is presently limited by our flesh.  
     So for what purpose have we believers been "born of the Spirit?"   For the purpose of ruling and reigning with Christ over those of redeemed mankind who have survived the Tribulation period in their natural bodies.  We who are true believers will become a part of the righteous government of the Lord Jesus, Revelation 5:6-10.  Glory to God!  
     Carefully study the Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25 and the Parable of the Pounds in Luke 19.  In both of these parables, the Lord takes account of His own servants, giving those who have been faithful authority to "rule" over "cities" on the earth, and other things.  Their rule will obviously be fulfilled during the Kingdom of Christ.  
      In Revelation 5, we see the "24 elders" [the Lord's Church] with "crowns" of gold upon their heads.  No one in the entire Bible was ever promised a crown, other than those in the Lord's Church.   This clearly indicates that the "elders" typify or represent the Lord's Church, which is to rule with Christ in His Kingdom.  Glory to God!  
     And with what authority shall we rule with Christ?  Read the promise to the "overcomer" in the letter to the Lord's church at Thyatira; "And he shall rule them with a rod of iron......" Revelation 2:26-27.  Just like our Lord!  Glory!  Praise the Lord!  
Final Warnings For Mankind
     Psalm 2:10-12......."Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth.
     Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling.
     Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, and ye perish from the way, when His wrath is kindled but a little.  Blessed are they that put their trust in Him."
     This appears to be a warning to the kings and judges who were reigning over the nations in past human history, and yes, those who are reigning today.  
     Every person who has ever lived is going to be required to  give account of their life to the Lord, whether some want to believe it or not.  The inspired Word explicitly states, to whom much is given [the higher your position in life], the more shall be required.  Read it for yourself in Luke 12:47-48.  
     It is obvious that the rulers and judges among mankind, occupy positions of great importance and influence.  Therefore, the decisions they make in life effect far more people, than the average man or woman.  And therefore, the Lord God expects a  more Godly and moral life from them.  Every one in such a position of power and influence, should be consulting the Word of the Lord for instructions, and serving the Lord with fear and trembling.  Such positions of power and influence should be occupied only by true believers.  Sadly, this is hardly ever the case today.  Oh, what a judgment these kings and judges are facing.  
      Finally, the admonition to "Kiss the Son," is an invitation to receive Christ while one still has an opportunity to be saved.  Christ said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by Me,"  John 14:6.   If a person then dies without receiving Christ as their Savior, they have eternally perished from the only "way" to God.  
     But if one does "kiss the Son" by "trusting" Him as their Savior, they will enter into His blessings, now and in eternity to come.  Praise the Lord!  
     My prayer is that the Lord God will use this exposition of this Second Psalm, to bless the hearts of His people, and to bring others to a saving knowledge of Christ.  To God be the glory!  
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     My personal contact information:
POSTAL.....Pastor F. M. Riley, 14275 Co. Rd. 8120, Rolla, MO 65401
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