A Goodrick (7 July 2019)
"Prayer of the Angels"

Dear John and Doves,
According to reliable sources, the Russians have docked their most powerful nuclear warship
in Cuba,  90 miles from our coast.

Here is the video of the
"Admiral Gorshkov"
nuclear warship entering
Havana port.

If that link doesn't work, one can enter "Gorshkov warship Havana" into Google video and see the impressive power cruising into place.

Also on Wednesday, June 26, 2019 the U.S. Navy sent a nuclear warship in transit to San Diego Naval Base


That video was taken by Paul Begley and shows you the hugeness of those warships, dwarfing in size all that is around it.

So we can accurately assess that war is on the horizon. Not if, but when.

Matthew 24:7...
"For nation shall rise against nation ".

Those who are alert to Ezekiel 33: 3-6 (believing that war is inevitable),
will be prayerful for the
circumstance we now face.

For me, I find the prayer of the angels in Revelation 14: 6-11 to be helpful for all those in the military and for all those leaders of the nations involved.
May they all....
 (short version)

"Fear God", fear Hell,
and prepare to meet their God.

WW3 will most likely involve Israel and the Mideast, and may involve
Western nations and militaries.

Fallen on the Mountains and Open Fields of Israel...
Ezekiel 39: 4,5

Some of the atheistic Communist soldiers are given a chance to repent
in the aftermath of the Magog war.

Since they were totally raised to believe the propaganda and Lie that there is no God, they will be given a five month period to repent, before they die a disturbing death.
Revelation 9:1-12.

"O God, in wrath, remember mercy."
Habakkuk 3:2


While Russia is making "noise" in Syria and the Golan Heights, she also
has an eye on Europe via the Ukraine.

When World War 3 breaks
out, (the Magog War of Ezekiel 38 and 39), I look for Russia to make her grab for the Ukraine.

Russia and Iran have been masterful for keeping Israel distracted and wearied fighting off the surrounding Russian and Iranian proxy armies of the Hezbollah and Hamas, and the Syrian and Lebanon forces.

Yet Israel is never caught off guard, and remains ever watchful of all the hotspots around the globe.

That current hot spot is in the Baltic and Black Seas.
Russia has her largest Naval Fleet in the Northern

Descending from that Northern Fleet are the Black Sea And Baltic Sea Fleets. Russia is on the alert to protect her interests, should Western Forces encroach closer to Russian European territories. 

We are already strong in Poland, Romania,
Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
Romania has the world's
most powerful laser, 
having 1/10th the power of the sun.

So there is a lot to pray for,
and hopefully the prayer of the angels will bring many to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

In Jesus Name,
A. Goodrick