Rene (22 July 2018)
"To my dear friend, John TNG!"

Dear John Tng,  Well, we have certainly been through many, many years of patient waiting, have we not? Yet in my spirit, I feel THIS year is it, brother. But, we’ve felt that before, so only God knows. But WHO would have believed that the antichrist himself would set up shadow gov’t just 2 miles from the White House to attempt to destroy the current administration and attempt a coup to bring the Democrats back (and himself) in power! They hate Trump! They hate the fact that he is draining the swamp and finding out all their dirty little, vile, secrets! We must pray for this man and those helping him and pray that God surrounds Trump and Pence & their entire family & all that pertains to them with His Holy Warring angels to make a hedge about them!  We know who this man is (B.O) and the evil he plans to perpetrate on this nation and the whole world!

How far can we be indeed, Tng!  I thank you – THANK YOU! For making this site available and giving us a venue of watching and waiting patiently and sharing what God has shared with us as we await out awesome Bridegroom!  I hope to see you in the air soon my brother in Christ!!!! Agape!  Come quickly, Lord Jesus!    Rene
Hi Rene,
Let's hope 2018 is the YEAR!