Fay (22 July 2018)
"The Plot doth Thicken"

I accessed this link off the Rapture Ready website. It is very revealing and confirms our suspicions. Europe is being deliberately drenched in Muslim migrants to erode it's Christian base and culture. All this being disguised in terms of "humanitarian mercy". It's pretty clear that the Vatican is comfortably in bed with George Soros and the globalists. Wait until you read this article. Your blood will run cold. Note what the Pope says about America.

This has all been told to us in scripture. The final kingdom of Daniel's statue simply must be Europe being controlled by Islam via the Vatican. They are mingling themselves with the people of Europe - a Judeo / Christian based continent. The majority of whom are becoming politically alert (at last) and rejecting the globalist agenda. The UK is coming to the boil re Brexit and an eruption is imminent. They will not let us go and Theresa May is dragging the process out. If this was President Trump - he'd sign the Brexit departure bill - telling them all to get stuffed - and then negotiate afterwards. Bish, bash bosh! Which is exactly what he has done with Jerusalem. Take Jerusalem off the table and THEN negotiate from there. Simples!

Sadly, we know this strategy will not ultimately work, according to scripture. God is in charge always. But at least the POTUS is courageous and seems genuinely committed to the welfare of his beloved America..... and the world.

Vatican Bishop Confesses: ‘Senior Catholic Officials Are Paid By George Soros’