Doug L (22 July 2018)
"Worthy of Christ - God sets the standard "HIGH""

God sets the standard for all of us who claim to belong to Him to live up to. He measures us Christians by the stature of His Son Christ Jesus. We are to be like Him. The works that we do will either be accepted or rejected by Him. Our rewards and placement once we arrive in heaven are all decided by Him. To be perfect or complete is to be mature in Christ, filled with The Holy Spirit, having a clean conscience before God and blameless before the world. Ready to meet our Lord and Groom at all times. This takes keeping God first in our hearts, (knowing Him) obedience to His word and faithful endurance to the end.

We have all been given everything we need for this life and godliness and the same opportunity to fully know Jesus - BUT …. many do not seek Him with all of their hearts. I do not presume to be the Bride of Christ - but this one thing I do... is press on towards the mark of God's highest calling in Christ Jesus and I encourage all my brothers and sisters to do likewise - only God knows our hearts. Pray that you may be counted as "worthy of Christ".