Bob Ware (29 July 2018)
"Update on Seven Day watch between 3 August 2018 and 11 August 2018"

In this letter I am combining both the Biblical gematrias with historical and personal anomalies which have come together spanning a nine day series from August 3rd of 2018 to August 11th of 2018. This nine day period is bracketed by unique anomalies occurring on August 3rd and August 11th linking my lifespan to the those of my immediate family members that have gone to be with the Lord. The 73rd anniversaries of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki 'A' bombs occur during this time period and there are also several anomalies linked to Obama. Obama's 57th birthday on August 4th of 2018 is the fist of the seven day period between August 3rd of 2018 and August 11th of 2018. August 4th of 2018 will be 1948 years since the destruction of the second Temple on August 4th of 70 AD. Israel was born again on May 14th of 1948.


In my attached chart I have placed the seven Hebrew words of Genesis 1:1 between two dates August 3rd of 2018 and August 11th of 2018. The gematria of the seven Hebrew words of Genesis 1:1 is 2701. 2701 equals: 37 x 73. 37 and 73 are the 2nd and 3rd Star of David numbers with a definable pattern. 2701 is also the 73rd triangle number. The 73rd anniversaries of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki 'A' bombs fall during this nine day period from August 3rd of 2018 to August 11th of 2018. In the attached chart the Hiroshima bomb dropped on August 6th (8.6) of 1945 aligns with the third word of Genesis 1:1 ('God') which has a gematria of 86.


Nine of the tribe names on the Breastplate have a combined gematria of 2701. In my chart I have aligned these tribe names and their gematria values with the nine dates spanning August 3rd of 2018 to August 11th of 2018. The remaining three tribe names have a combined gematria of 999 and they are laid out in a diagonal pattern across the Breastplate in the 6th, 8th and 10th positions. Genesis 1:1 and the Breastplate share the gematria of 395. Notice in my chart the diagonal formed by these three gematrias of 395. It is highlighted in orange.


Seven of the tribe names on the Breastplate have a combine gematria value of 2368. 2368 is the Greek gematria of 'JESUS CHRIST'. In my chart I have aligned these seven tribe names with the seven words of Genesis 1:1. The gematria of the center word of the seven words of Genesis 1:1 (401 for the 'Aleph' and 'Tav') plus the gematria of the center tribe name in the series of seven totaling 2368 (95 for 'ZEBULUN') equals the third perfect number 496 which is also the 31st triangle number. The center of my 'Prime List' is row number 31.


Now for the unexpected personal anomalies. I was born on February 7th of 1948. That was 97 days prior to Israel's rebirth on May 14th of 1948. There are 97 leap days in one 400-year Gregorian calendar cycle. 400 is the gematria of 'Tav' which is the last letter of the original 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet. The Ottoman Turks took control of Jerusalem in 1517 and held it for 400 years until 1917. Four of my immediate family members have died and gone to be with the Lord - my father, mother, brother and half-brother. The combined number of days since each of their deaths to August 3rd of 2018 will be 25,745. On August 3rd of 2018 I will have lived 25,745 days. There is a string of nine consecutive prime numbers that total 25,745. I have placed these nine prime numbers and their placeholders on the left side of my chart. The 8th number in this series is the 419th prime number (2887). 419 is the prime number gematria of 'CHRIST'. I was led by the Holy Spirit to number the last days for the 'Body of Christ' from the winter solstice of 1999. 2887 equals: 1999 plus 888. 888 is the Greek gematria of 'JESUS'. Sultan Suleiman ordered the rebuilding of the wall around Jerusalem in 1535. It took four years. The sum of the three prime numbers that make up the horizontal bar of the 'Prime Cross' total 1461 which is the exact number of days in four years, or one Presidential term. 1535 was 18 years after capturing the city in 1517. 1535 plus Daniel's 7 weeks and 62 weeks of years (483 total) equals 2018. 1535 plus 2018 minus 666 equals 2887. The walled city of Jerusalem and the number of the Beast are associated with the year 2018.


I cannot calculate the exact lifespan of my mother. My mother's birth records were lost when the county courthouse was destroyed by fire. She was just a young child when her mother died and her father couldn't remember their birth dates, so her and her brother got to pick their own birthdays. She picked George Washington's birthday for herself. Her brother picked Lincoln's. The exact average of the combined number of days that my father, brother and half-brother lived was 25,753. On August 11th of 2018 I will have lived 25,753 days. There is a string of nine consecutive composite numbers that total 25,753. I have placed these nine prime numbers and their placeholders on the right side of my chart. This method of revealing hidden knowledge by separating the prime and composite numbers is found in the first 78 integers. The sum of the first 56 composite numbers in the range of 1 to 78 is the Greek gematria of 'JESUS CHRIST' (2368). The sum of the remaining 22 prime numbers in the range from 1 to 78 is the prime number gematria of 'JESUS CHRIST' (713) as derived from its Greek spelling.


Again, the gematrias of the diagonal of three tribe names on the Breastplate total 999. These three 9's could represent: the 9 prime numbers, the 9 composite numbers and the 9 inclusive values spanning the totals of 25,745 and 25,753.


On August 10th of 2018 I will have lived 25,752 days. 25,752 is the 347th palindrome with two or more digits. 25,752 equals: 29 x 888. 2 x 29 equals: 58. There is a string of 58 prime numbers that also total 25,752. They are the 58th (269) to the 115th (619). The first (269) in this series plus the last (619) total 888.


In my chart, August 4th (8.4) of 2018 is the first of the seven dates that aligns with the seven words of Genesis 1:1. Enoch was the first to be taken (raptured). The gematria of 'ENOCH' is 84.


The 'Aleph' and 'Tav' fall at the center of Genesis 1:1. August 7th of 2018 falls at the center this series of nine dates. August 7th of 2018 is the 321st day of 5778. 321 equals: 3 x 107. 5778 is the 107th triangle number. 107 is the rapture number.


Obama was born on August 4th of 1961. That was the 216th day of 1961. When 216 is the radius of a circle then the perimeter of the golden rectangle within it equals the 1189 chapters in the Bible. The perimeter of this golden rectangle plus its two diagonals equals 2053 which is the 18th Star of David number. The last date in this series from August 3rd of 2018 to August 11th of 2018 will be 3 x 1189 days since Obama was first elected on November 4th of 2008. August 11th of 2018 will also be 13 x 2053 days since the Trinity 'A' bomb was detonated on July 16th of 1945. 13 is the first Star of David number. Again, 2053 is the 18th Star of David number. 'Barack Hussein Obama' has 18 letters. 18 equals: 3 x 6 or 6 + 6 + 6. 501 is the gematria of the seventh tribe name on the Breastplate ('ASHER'). 501 is also the Hebrew gematria of 'BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA'. The sum of the ASCII codes for my full name (1652) plus the 'Aleph' (1) and 'Tav (400) equals 2053. From Obama's first election on November 4th of 2008 to August 9th of 2018 (the 73rd anniversary of the bombing of Nagasaki) will be 5 x 713 days. Again, 713 is the prime number gematria of 'JESUS CHRIST'.


August 4th of 2018 is the first of the seven days that fall between August 3rd and August 11th of 2018. Again, August 4th of 2018 will be 1948 years since the destruction of the second Temple on August 4th of 70 AD. On August 4th of 2018 Obama will be 57 years old. He was the 57th different President when you include the 14 different Presidents of the Continental Congress. Obama's second Inauguration was the 57th Presidential Inauguration. There is a geometrical anomaly where seven circles fit perfectly within a circle with a diameter equal to 3 times the diameter of the seven smaller circles. This creates a pattern with a total of eight circles. Seven of these circle clusters have a total of 56 circles. Place a circle around this cluster of 56 circles and then there are a total of 57 circles. Seven of these circle clusters plus the circle around then have a total of 400 circles. Each of these 400 circles may represent one orbit of the Earth around the Sun for the 400 years in one Gregorian calendar cycle. Obama, accompanied by a delegation of about 400 people, will be in Kenya until July 16th of 2018 which is the 73rd anniversary of the Trinity bomb.


Seven of the sets of 400 circles plus the circle around them have a total of 2801 circles. The only word in the Bible with a gematria of 2801 is Strong's Greek word number 4717 meaning 'crucify'. 2801 pus the gematria of 'God' (86) equals the 419th prime number 2887 which is detailed above. 4717 equals the sum of the ASCII codes for 'Barack Hussein Obama' (1795) plus the 2922 days he served in his two four-year terms as President.


Are all of these anomalies just coincidences, or should we be watching the nine day series from August 3rd of 2018 to August 11th of 2018?