Elliot Hong (30 July 2017)
"High Alert for Av 9, O's Birthday and Av 15"

Dear Doves:

1) 23 years ago, 21 fragments of SL9 collied with Jupiter from Tisha B'Av(7/16) for 7 days.

2) 5 years ago, during Olympic Gold Medal Ceremony of Serena Williams in London, US flag fell on the ground.

     It was a bad omen and occurred on O's birthday.

3) Tu B'Av is Israel's Valentine's Day of Love and Romance and Messianic Jews believe that this minor feast is for the marriage of the Lamb.

For these reasons Av 9, O's birthday and Av 15 are for high alert.

Be ready!

Don't be trapped!


(My pastor shot this video and the Lord showed his face in the clouds.

  See 2:20-2:41)
