TH (24 July 2016)


To answer the question of whether Dogs go to Heaven, is, of course YES !  Of course
they go to Heaven.  That's where they came from. Just like us. We are ALL going to
Heaven when we die (after an indeterminate time of "Soul Sleep".  The trouble is not
all of us are going to remain there.  But GOD is going to carry out HIS Judgement in
Heaven so everybody is going to see what they missed out on by Not being known
to/by HIS Beloved Son.  The true sense of what GOD wanted for ALL mankind will be
made known to those who are condemned.  That's the reason for a large part of the
anxiety and suffering by those who didn't take the time to get to know JESUS on a
PERSONAL basis ( like HE asked ALL who believe in HIM to do )  Here's a better and
more important question to ask:  Will (ALL) those professing to be Christians pass
GOD'S Judgement and get to stay n Heaven along with those who did what JESUS
asked them to do and got to KNOW JESUS PERSONALLY (confirmed to them by HIS
VOICE) " my sheep hear my voice " ?  To be sure,...the GOATS get a glimpse of
Heaven too, just before they are "spewed".  This statement by JESUS, to me, is
probably the scariest one HE ever gave..."you call me Lord Lord, but you not do
what I ask you to do".  That is VERY ominous !   HE is, of course, talking to the GOATS.
So we can rest easy as to our much loved mutts,  it's the GOATS we should all be
VERY worried about. They are the (willing?)**product of satan's finest deception.
They THINK they are saved and have nothing to worry about and are going about
their happy and carefree lives believing that believing is all there is to it.....yes it is
THEM we should be worried about....Fido is in, THEY ARE OUT !   HE SAYS SO !
            Don't be a GOAT...Talk to your LORD and SAVIOR...till HE ANSWERS YOU.
                HE said HE WOULD....IF KEEP KNOCKING !   So KNOCK  ! !

                                             MARANATHA !
                                                                                  **the broad busy road where the
                                                                                       traveling is easy and care free
                                                      T H