Paul H (24 July 2016)
"End Time Signs On My TV"

I believe the ark replica that recently opened is like a end times sign. People are laughing at Ken Ham and ridiculing him just as they did to Noah. The ark represents God’s judgement upon a sinful world. When I saw it on TV I got an extraordinary sense like confirmation, that God was saying wake up, look I judged the world once and I will soon judge it again. Even the news reporter said something like, “Noah built the ark because God told him He was going to judge the world because of sin and rebellion”. It was like God was using the reporter as a witness. Then they went to a clip from the movie Evan Almighty he was yelling at the people to get on board the ark, then some responded and said “I think we should get on the ark” I felt the report so impacting on a spiritual level that I found myself yelling at the TV saying yes get on board the ark (now Jesus). It’s interesting that it has only been of recent that people have built arks of such size that get this sort of attention. On another note the very same night on another news report, a man who had illegally climbed Sydney Harbour bridge appeared in court when the reporter said why he did it. He replied God told him that tribulation was coming, and that He has gathered the kings of the earth for Armageddon, in which the reporter replied “Well I think most would agree with him on that” I almost fell off my chair. Time is short my friends :yes: keep looking up.

Paul H