Jan Mikael (24 July 2016)



Its like this evil things happen now, right in front of our eyes, dont you think so ?
first they attack the fast places (cities) to make a deep real terror.

and then they use 'needlestic' in f.ex. Belgiue, Copenhagen, Nice, etc
to confuse us all, make fear - and then silence. - later followed by a real attack again !!!

they will try to make there evil agenda become an reality - in the whole
industrial world if possible.

you may feel free to bring my letter on five doves again.

may our Great God bless and take care of all of us, in the name
and love of Jesus Christ - Jan Mikael !

PS: f.ex. in the
letter from Mary S. on five doves 16th of April 2oo7 mention it,

and 28th of May 2oo7 it was brought on french. in letter from me.