Gerry Almond (24 July 2016)
"Is it our time to shine?"

July 21, 2016

The day of our removal could be July 27/28, 2016 evidence of which you will see as you read on.

Please remember that the Jewish day runs from sunset to sunset, just as the creation days of Genesis 1 ran from sunset to sunset. That is why the date is expressed as July 27/28.

Jesus said in the Olivet Discourse, “But as the days of Noe (Noah) were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be” (Matt 24:37). The evil spiritual conditions of the days of Noah are here again. So are the geophysical conditions. So are the attitudinal conditions. Every jot and tittle of God's Holy Bible prophecies are fulfilled as far a we can see. A number of prophetic messages by our modern day watchers says that 2016 is the year of the rapture.

This climactic timing has been building for a long time. I believe that it has reached it final stage. Following is why I believe it to be so.

The very final timing sequence began on July 4, 2016 when I expected a major event in America because of two of Nicole Poon's very prophetic drawings. One was a parade and the other a barren landscape. Back on June 16, Rev Bejamin Faircloth received a word from the Lord, which in essence said that “July is the tipping point” for America. July would be the time America would fall off the clifwasf as protrayed by Poon in her drawing of a parade going over a cliff made of the number 74. This tipping point was July/4, the Independence Day parade that she drew in 2013, and the intended year turns out to be 2016. The barren landscape with an American flag planted on it also used the numer 74, but also 96. This may mean destruction of America by 9/6 this year or probably and more likely a future one.

Often there was given a ten day grace period. I can't be sure but I believe that applies now. It connects the birthday of the United States to the sequence of its own destruction. That sequence begins July 13/14, 2016.
One of the longest term, best known and reliable visionaries and watchers is Gigi (Blue Heaven). In a post on July 7, she related how back on July 13/14, 1994 she had a prophetic dream/vision in which she was told “You have 22 years left”. She says that she was reminded today in a message from heaven that the 22 years will be up July 13/14, 2016.

As confirmation of this, a fellow watcher whom she knew verified her vision in the year 2007. This watcher whom Gigi knew, woke up in the middle of the night, startled, and clearly heard the words “July 14, 2016”. This was taken to be a confirmation of Gigi's years earlier message. After 13 years, the Lord had confirmed to Gigi her original message. Also, a sister in Christ in the comment section of Gigi's original message in July, 1994 wrote that she heard the Lord say to her “You have 22 years left”. This is another confirmation that Gigi's message is genuine.

In Scripture, a message and two confirmations is more than sufficient to verify its acceptance as true, especially coming from credible sources. And 22 years after the 1994 message is exactly July 13/14, 2016..


Daniel was aware that Jeremiah, the “weeping” prophet of the exile had identified the length of the captivity that Jehovah had imposed on Israel for its violation of the Sabbatical law. Israel owed Jehovah 70 Sabbaticals thus Jehovah sentenced Israel to serve Babylon for 70 years. The destruction of Jerusalem occurred on Daniel's 17th birthday. Thus on Daniel's 87th birthday, he expected Israel to be set free. Not a day later, either. Well, it didn't happen, so Daniel and friends went to fasting and prayer, asking Jehovah why? After 21 FULL days of fasting and prayer, there came to Daniel alone in a vision, heavenly messengers to give him the articles of release. They explained that war in heaven had delayed their arrival, lo, these 21 days.


I have written a few times about the days of Noah. I have written that at three number counts are present in Genesis 6, 7, and 8 relating to the days of Noah. Jesus said it would be as it was in those days, did He not? I am convinced also, that the Holy Spirit in inspiring Moses to write the book of Genesis meant to say that everything would be repeated as a sign to the last generation.

These three number counts:

> 120 years of 360 days each in which Noah was to build an ark. I found this count and have written extensively about it.
> 7 days before the end of the 120th year, God told Noah to load the ark. It looks like we have found this count too beginning July 7/8, 2016.
> 365 more days had Noah and family inside the protective walls of the ark. Not yet found.

Jesus Christ was careful to expound on this in Matthew 24. He included the sign of Lot at the same time, saying for us to “remember Lot's wife”. In other words, don't look back.

Now it seems appropriate to add other things to these signs of Noah. A full sized replica of Noah's ark has been constructed in Frankfort, Kentucky complete with animals. It is exactly the dimensions of Noah's ark as given in the book of Genesis. This is an unmistakeable tongue in cheek sign from Christ, I believe. And there are rainbow type color rings in the sky, being seen in different places, throughout the world, especially in the southern hemisphere, just as there was a bow in Noah's day. The jet stream of the northern hemisphere has shifted to the south of the equator for the first time ever. I believe that this shift is caused by an incoming dark star solar system, a binary twin of our sun, that is coming toward our current south pole.

This system also came in the days of Noah. It totally destroyed the earth's surface and his civilization and world, but not the earth itself. This solar system has moons and/or planets orbiting it just as our sun has planets and moons orbiting it. The dark star was called Nemesis by the ancient Sumerians. One of the planets orbiting Nemesis was called Nibiru, a planet that will come by the earth with so much gravitational and magnetic pull that it will likely cause a pole shift and thereby create the horrors described in the book of the Revelation. Our astronomers are calling this Planet X or Ten.

So, as it was in Noah's day, so it is again, with this full sized ark sitting on solid ground, just as the ark sat on the ground awaiting the waters in Noah's day. And it opened to the public on Thursday, July 7/8, 2016, exactly seven days before the date of the end of the 22 years. And there are color rings (bows) in the sky in different places, just as there was a bow in Noah's day. I believe that all of this signals the first of 21 days delay, the antitype to Daniel's experience. Afterward is the 7 days alert, found in the Genesis record.

Brother Charles, a long time poster on Five Doves has been adamant in saying that in a dream/vision, he was told that our rapture would be on a Thursday. He had no idea which one, and his dream occurred a few years ago, just as the message to Gigi occurred 22 years ago.

Message after message coming through watchers right now, that are coming to them from our God in heaven, are saying that time is up. Our wait seems to be almost over. The time we have all sought for years and years seems to have finally come. I believe that we are in the final days before the sudden removal of the Philadelphia age Christians. This removal is a secret one, not found in any Scripture, except by type and picture. It is undateable and could be at any time. It is not the rapture found in I Thessalonians 4: 16 – 18. That one is the removal of the Laodicean age Christians after Philadelphia is gone.

The worldly Christians (Laodiceans) are very skeptical, mocking and unbelieving of these times. And they think that the coming of Jesus is many years away. Many simply don't want Him to ever come, not desiring to follow Jesus as He commanded them to and many many simply don't have a clue about any of this. Taken as a group, they live in the world system and for the world system. They are neither hot nor cold. Just here. (Read Revelation 3:14ff).


The sign of Noah requires a 7 days alert before whatever is coming. That would run from July 27/28 to Aug 3/4. According to two or three messages, there will be a 40 days period during which the ready will be sheltered while the unready (Laodiceans) are made ready. In a message just now posted, it seems that the outer rim of Zanzibar may be a safe haven for the ready ones to minister to the others. This would be concurrent with the first 40 days of judgment on the earth, especially the kingdom of the beast, America. Then there will be the remainder of the 365 days count (325 days) that Noah was in the ark, which is the third part of the sign of Noah in Genesis 7 and 8. There the division of time is carefully preserved by the Holy Spirit and I believe it will be repeated at this time also. The 365 days are divided as follows:

40, 110, 74, 40, 21, 22, 58 = 365. After this time lapse, Noah set foot into the “new world”.

Before the first 40 days began, there was 7 days allotted to load up the ark.

The VERY BEST count I have seen in many tries begins August 4. That, this year, is President Barack Obama's birthday. If this is “his day” to rise to kingly power, then 7 days before that date may be our own “call into the ark of safety”. That date will be July 27/28.

Twenty one days before August 3/4 was July 13/14, the very anniversary of 22 years as detailed to us by Gigi (Blue Heaven) from a message she received in 1994. If so, then:

July 13/14, 1994 plus 22 years = July 13/14, 2016, plus 21 days delay = August 3 4, 2016, the beginning of the 365 days of Noah's count.

It happens that August 3/4 is Thursday, as well.


This is the count. My criteria is that each day falls on some day of importance in history, either Jewish or American on the specific day counts. Notice:

Aug 3/4, O's Birthday and rise + 40 days = Sep 12/13 Oslo Accords

Sep 12/13, Oslo Accords – 2 state solution + 110 days = Dec 31/Jan New Years eve and day.

Dec 31/Jan 1 New Years + 74 days = Mar 15/16, The Ides of March, assasination day.

Mar 15/15 Ides of March + 40 days = Apr 24/25 Discovery of incoming solar system

Apr 24/25 Solar system discovery + 21 days = May 15/16, Birth of Israel day one

May 15/16 Israel birthday + 22 days = Jun 6/7 Recapture of Jerusalem

Jun 6/7 Jerusalem recapture day + 58 days = Aug 3/4 O birthday

These major events on this specific spread of days in our day is extremely significant. It does not happen like this from any other starting point that I have tried. It is the U. S. President that kicks it all off and ends it as well. It centers around him.

In summary, I think our departure to be with Jesus will occur either July 28, which is a Thursday or August 4, which is also a Thursday.

Time will tell.


Are you weary, are you heavy laden? Tell it to Jesus, tell it to Jesus

If you are reading this and don't know Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord, please accept Him today. “For God so loved the world (you) that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever (you) believeth on Him should not perish, but should have everlasting life” (John 3:16).

God sent Jesus for you, because He loves you. Repent (turn 180 degrees away from) sin and evil and turn to Him and He will save you. You must mean it in your heart but if the Holy Spirit speaks to you, don't delay. Just do it! Time is short, do it now.
