Fay (24 July 2016)
"Western Society Take Over"

I am not up to scratch with Walid Shoebat's standing on the rapture. I know he is a Christian and an ex muslim. Therefore - an expert on muslim thinking and theology. The link is to an excellent article on this subject. Please find time to read it.

It makes me think hard - are Muslim fanatics actually human? Or are they just inordinately imbued with undiluted evil?  No human being takes such demonic joy out of beheading, killing, torturing. Sure - they are following their Koran..........blah blah blah.........but, as flesh and blood human beings - even profoundly uneducated human beings - how does their humanity not kick in?? Their conscience?? Their empathy?? I know plenty of nasty people but the muslim fanatic behavior is beyond nastiness. It is undiluted evil. It makes me wonder what kind of separate species they are. Are they possessed or are they alien? I believe these are valid questions.

Western Society Is Being Taken Over By Muslims Because It Refuses To Acknowledge Reality For What It Is