Fay (24 July 2016)
"Attack Against Humanity"

After reading this article - more than a few things became obvious. To me, at least. There is a blatant push to integrate Islam into the West. BUT - the powers that be are attempting to hide the consequences and the perps. It's perplexing as to why our politicians actually want these criminals flooding into society. It can hardly be because they will give the economy a lift. If anything - they are a drain. Our leaders - via the media - tell us that it's because they are humanely obligated to absorb these "refugees" and that we - the average Joe - are racist if we object.  It's ridiculous. But, hey - that's EVIL for you. Clumsy, clod hopping, ugly and ridiculous. I can only conclude that our flesh and blood leaders are deluded and have been sent mad by God. That it's all a grand plan to show humanity the stark difference between good v evil. Otherwise - there is no fathoming it. I do question the average Joe policeman - journalist etc., as to why they are so very complicit. It's pretty damn obvious that this is a plan to cause utter chaos and disorder. Nobody can deny it now. I mean - these average Joe's have families of their own. Surely they don't want their children growing up in a world that's gone stark raving mad?

Are we Bible believing Christians the only one's to see the obvious? To have common sense? To be horribly alarmed at the way the world is headed?

I can only trust in Father God. He is in control of everything.

Maranatha, LORD Jesus. PLEASE.

RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: Who did try to knife RAF man? Alan Partridge?