Clay Cantrell (24 July 2016)
"First Thessalonians 4:16, Hebrew Concordance find"

Interested Readers -  

Here is an extraordinary find from First Thessalonians 4:16. Here's the verse:

"For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:"

The 12th word is the word translated above as "trump". 

The running gematria total from word one through word 12, "trump", is 6346. 

Switch number systems from gematria to Strong's concordance numbers. 

Strong's 6346 Hebrew means Governor
First used in -

1 Kings 10:15
"Beside that he (Solomon) had of the merchantmen and of the traffick of the spice merchants, and of all the kings of Arabia, and of the governors of the country."

The actual Strong's number for the word translated as "trump" in First Thess 4:16 is

Strong's 4536 Greek

Switch to Hebrew ...

Strong's Hebrew 4536 = translated as "traffic". It appears only one time in this verse: 

1 Kings 10:15
"Beside that he (Solomon) had of the merchantmen and of the traffick of the spice merchants, and of all the kings of Arabia, and of the governors of the country."

Yes, you see that correctly; it is the exact same verse. 

For review, the total of the first 12 words of First Thess 4:16 (6346), and the actual Strong's number of that 12th word (4536), when converted to Hebrew Concordance numbers, are found in the exact same Old Testament verse. 

This is the Lord's handiwork in His book, exposed for all to see. 

It is also prudent to read the context of the Old Testament verse, especially the verse before it. Then go further and compare these two verses to Revelation 13:18 and 18:3. Then you can reach a (theoretical) conclusion about what happens when the trump is blown. 

Jesus is Lord. 

clay <><