Clay Cantrell (24 July 2016)
"Bob Ware, Polonium, Strontium & 9-11"

Readers - 

Bob Ware has done some new work about elements that have symmetrical electron orbital fields, which he sent me to review. Look for that post, which is concurrent with this one. 

It it, Bob writes: 

"There are a maximum of seven orbital fields of electrons around the nucleus of an atom. Only seven of the elements have a symmetrical pattern within these electron orbital fields."

He mentions Strontium, element 38, which I also looked at to see if there were any numbers I recognized, since I had previously worked on Element 84, Polonium, and the Lord had revealed prophetic material. 

Polonium summary: 

Polonium, element 84 is Enoch.
Enoch Hebrew gematria = 84

Melting points and Boiling points gave it's away connection to Jared, and 9-11:

Polonium = Element 84
Melting point = 527 Kelvin or 254 Celsius
(Jared was 527 years old when his son Enoch was taken up)
(9-11 = day 254)

Boiling point = 962 C
(Jared Lifespan = 962 years)

The Polonium Kelvin melting point is matched to it's Celsius boiling point; those numbers (527 & 962) are both timespans known to belong to Jared, Enoch's father as noted. Those numbers are found in, or extrapolated from, the Genesis 5 record. Day 254 is also embedded in Polonium. 

Upon finding this Polonium, Enoch and  Jared connection in October 2004, the Lord instructed me to then watch for a "Polonium Event", which occurred two years later on November 23, 2006 with the Polonium poisoning death of Alexander Litveninko in London. This story was in the world's newspapers. 

New Material:

Matching the pattern of Polonium, in which the Kelvin Melting Point is matched to the Celsius Boiling Point, examine Strontium, Element 38:

Melting point = 1050 Kelvin
or 777 Celsius
(Lamech lifespan = 777)*

Boiling point = 1377 Celsius

Using the Polonium pattern, does the 
1050 Kelvin # match the 1377 Cesius # in any prophetic way?

Yes - IMO. 

1377 is a known inclusive day count from December 5, 1997 through the 9.11.2001 attacks!

The running total of the first three in-text Greek values of Strong's 726g Harpazo (Catching Away) = 1377. 

First value = 919
Second value = 204
Third value = 254

919 + 204 + 254 = 1377

254 = day 254 = September 11, 2001.  

Therefore Strontium boiling point 1377 Celsius seems to match 9.11.2001. 

Now, examine the Strontium melting point number of 1050 Kelvin.

The Bible Wheel data base shows that there are five Bible verses with a 1050 gematria total, and three of the verses are in Job, the Book of Suffering!

Second Job verse (Job 31:23) has the terrible Strong's 343 h "Ayd, Calamity, Destruction" word in it from Deuteronomy 32:35, and it is the first word of the Job verse!  Deuteronomy 32:35 records the terrorist 9-11 event.

343 = a known 9-11 number! It's the number of firemen lost in the Twin Towers collapse. This 343 number appeared on the front pages of the world's newspapers. 

It is also found in this base conversion:

343 dec = 527 oct = 157 hxd 

IMO, It looks like, as with Polonium, that the Strontium melting point 1050 Kelvin and its boiling point 1377 Celsius are "paired" together and meet at 9-11

I then suspect that Job 31:23 verse ....

"For destruction from God was a terror (343h) to me, and by reason of his highness I could not endure." the possible second recording of the 9-11 event and tells the reader more about it, if the reader has faith to receive it.

Special note: Strontium is a known nuclear fallout element. That's why it's graphic symbol is a mushroom cloud as found on the Royal Society of Chemistry site here:


*Also of note is a Bible Patriarch's lifespan in the Strontium numbers with Lamech dying at 777. More evidence that God intertwined Patriarch lifespans and real time current events into the Periodic Table of the elements as well as the Bible. 

Jesus is Lord.