Charles Holler (24 July 2016)
"Eye update"

Greetings John & Doves,
Finally after a long battle of 17 months my surgery is scheduled to have my eye removed Tuesday morning July 26th 2016 at 10 a.m. central time I have continually postponed this surgery in hopes that the Lord would heal my eye and I want to thank everyone for standing with me in faith through this long battle. Many said the Lord told them I would be healed and in my spirit I believed I would be healed, but we don't always know the Lord's plans. I am sure that one day in the future I can look back and I will see the Lord's hand in this situation and as for now I will just have peace and faith that he is in control. He is even capable of healing me while I'm laying on the surgery bed. I think of Abraham and how he waited until the knife was raised into the air, but whatever the outcome, I love my Lord and I thank Him so much that the remaining eye has 20/20 vision. They say today that medically prosthetic eyes are seldom even noticed as they even move in conjunction with the other eye. I know it's been a long time since I've given an update on the eye, but do feel free to join me and pray the next couple days  for healing.  I think that total healing would be a wonderful Witness, but like Moses couldn't understand why the Lord didn't let him become pharaoh and he could have just freed the children of Israel, but the Lord had a different plan and so the Lord may have a different plan with my eye. All I know is that He has never let me down in 55 years and I have never seen my children begging for bread and I've had a roof over my head every night of my life and I trust the scriptures to be fulfilled. He does guide the footsteps of those who love Him and I do love Him with all of my heart. So as I share these thoughts with you I will let you know in the weeks to come how the surgery turned out. Please pray that if the Lord chooses to let the surgery happen, that the doctors and the support staff have the wisdom to not make any mistakes and my mortal body be quickened for healing. I thank Him that the cancer has not spread anywhere else that it was contained in the eye. I love everybody here at doves and I thank everyone for your support and your prayers through this time in my life. God bless everyone and look up for our Redemption draweth nigh.
Charles Holler Sr