Mathman (26 July 2015)
"God secretly disclosed that the USA will be instrumental in dividing Jerusalem thousands of years ago!!"


Dear Doves,


The fact that Jerusalem would be divided again once reunited in the future (1967) has been prophesized in the Bible for thousands of years. However, what was not in the Bible was what country would be the primary one instrumental in performing this division?


Using current events, it is fairly obvious that O, the future AC, will use his power as the leader of the USA in dividing Jerusalem. Therefore, USA will be the main instrument in dividing Jerusalem. But here is the awesome part, the part hidden in plain sight like no one but God could do. The word Jerusalem itself is divided in equal parts by the three letters USA:


Jerusalem = Jer-"USA"-lem


The USA divides Jerusalem! How amazing is our God?


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Brothers and sisters, are you ready to meet the Lord in the sky?  Repent and believe that grace is by faith alone and can ONLY be attained through Jesus Christ.  Get ready and leave the temptations of this world behind and ready yourself as a Bride.


Surely, time is almost up.


YbiC, MathMan