There is NO BATTLE ! It is a MASSACRE ! Those that gather
in the Valley of Har Mageddo are annihilated, leaving only one man in
six to scurry back to where they came from. They abandon all their
Military Hardware barely escaping with their lives never having fired a shot.
It isn't a "Battle", it's a JUDGEMENT. And a severe one. The survivors
are lucky to leave alive. The World has never seen such a lop-sided defeat.
It's a WIPE OUT! A dozen mile wide "ships" materialize over the gathered
armies and a Niagara Falls of fire and energy rain down on them obliterating
all but a sixth of them. Those that for some reason survive the conflagration
stagger back to their ships dazed and confused but with the knowledge that
the GOD of Israel is real and not to be messed with. The World is stunned
and frightened. It is after that Israel repents and prostrates itself unto the
LORD GOD.....their GOD and HIS SON.....their MESSIAH ! JESUS!