Michael Colunga (27 July 2014)
"...if the Rapture occurs very near the end of the time of Jacob's trouble..."


Hello, John and Doves,


Some of our brothers and sisters have believed all along that the Rapture would come at the end of Daniel’s 70th week, and they may be right.


If that proves to be true, then we will enjoy the best of both worlds at that joyous moment.


It is written,

            Blessings for All Nations

1This is what the Lord says:

“Be just and fair to all.

Do what is right and good,

for I am coming soon to rescue you

and to display my righteousness among you.

2Blessed are all those

who are careful to do this.

Blessed are those who honor my Sabbath days of rest

and keep themselves from doing wrong.

3“Don’t let foreigners who commit themselves to the Lord say,

‘The Lord will never let me be part of his people.’

And don’t let the eunuchs say,

‘I’m a dried-up tree with no children and no future.’

4For this is what the Lord says:

I will bless those eunuchs

who keep my Sabbath days holy

and who choose to do what pleases me

and commit their lives to me.

5I will give them—within the walls of my house—

a memorial and a name

far greater than sons and daughters could give.

For the name I give them is an everlasting one.

It will never disappear!

6“I will also bless the foreigners who commit themselves to the Lord,

who serve him and love his name,

who worship him and do not desecrate the Sabbath day of rest,

and who hold fast to my covenant.

7I will bring them to my holy mountain of Jerusalem

and will fill them with joy in my house of prayer.

I will accept their burnt offerings and sacrifices,

because my Temple will be called a house of prayer for all nations.

8For the Sovereign Lord,

who brings back the outcasts of Israel, says:

I will bring others, too,

besides my people Israel.”

Isaiah 56:1-8  NLT


“Eunuchs” in verses 3 and four refers to those who never married and remained pure.

And “eunuchs” also refers to those who are widows or widowers who never remarried and remain pure.

Finally, “eunuchs” also includes those who were engaged in sexual sin, but have renounced that lifestyle.  They were washed in the Blood of the Lamb, were made pure, and remain pure.


And that reminds us that we already read,

            Comfort for God’s People

1“Comfort, comfort my people,”

says your God.

2“Speak tenderly to Jerusalem.

Tell her that her sad days are gone

and her sins are pardoned.

Yes, the Lord has punished her twice over

for all her sins.”

3Listen! It’s the voice of someone shouting,

“Clear the way through the wilderness

for the Lord!

Make a straight highway through the wasteland

for our God!

4Fill in the valleys,

and level the mountains and hills.

Straighten the curves,

and smooth out the rough places.

5Then the glory of the Lord will be revealed,

and all people will see it together.

The Lord has spoken!”a

6A voice said, “Shout!”

I asked, “What should I shout?”

“Shout that people are like the grass.

Their beauty fades as quickly

as the flowers in a field.

7The grass withers and the flowers fade

beneath the breath of the Lord.

And so it is with people.

8The grass withers and the flowers fade,

but the word of our God stands forever.”

9O Zion, messenger of good news,

shout from the mountaintops!

Shout it louder, O Jerusalem.b

Shout, and do not be afraid.

Tell the towns of Judah,

“Your God is coming!”

10Yes, the Sovereign Lord is coming in power.

He will rule with a powerful arm.

See, he brings his reward with him as he comes.

11He will feed his flock like a shepherd.

He will carry the lambs in his arms,

holding them close to his heart.

He will gently lead the mother sheep with their young.

Isaiah 40:1-11  NLT


And, of course, we remember that at one time we were blessed to have our first peek at the end of the story,

when we read,

            29“Immediately after the anguish of those days,

the sun will be darkened,

the moon will give no light,

the stars will fall from the sky,

and the powers in the heavens will be shaken.g

30And then at last, the sign that the Son of Man is coming will appear in the heavens, and there will be deep mourning among all the peoples of the earth. And they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.h 31And he will send out his angels with the mighty blast of a trumpet, and they will gather his chosen ones from all over the worldi—from the farthest ends of the earth and heaven.

Matthew 24:29-31  NLT


So, if the Rapture occurs very near the end of the time of Jacob’s trouble [Jeremiah 30:7], then we can expect the Rapture to be sometime in Elul 5775 or Tishrei 5776, I guess.


