Michael Colunga (27 July 2014)
"The crisis of unaccompanied, undocumented alien children coming across our borders is absolutely a test.  And here is the Scripture:"


Hello, John and Doves,


The crisis of unaccompanied, undocumented alien children coming across our borders is absolutely a test.


And here is the Scripture:

            The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the LORD your God.

Leviticus 19:34  NIV






            Bob Anderson (20 July 2014)
"Is the children crisis on the border of the US a test from God?"

Dear Frank,


I probably shouldn't be writing this at this time, seeing as you've really annoyed me. I apologize if it shows.


What do you mean, "... redeem ourselves."? I was under the impression that our redemption is already done ... and certainly not by ourselves.





Frank Molver (13 July 2014)
"Is the children crisis on the border of the US a test from God?"


I have been upset about what seems to be deliberate sabotage of the US border defense and how it will affect the US
But now I wonder if this is not some type of a test of the US by God
I mean, like the sheep and goat nations
We have fallen so far from God
Would this be a chance from God to redeem ourselves?