Lynn F (6 July 2014)
"Are you HOLY enough to be taken in the Rapture?"

Greeting brother and sisters in our Lord Jesus Christ!

I am a long-time reader and have written a few times a couple of years ago.  But what is on my heart today is the desire to REST in the final work of Jesus' atoning death on the cross!  In these certain last days there is so much angst, bad teaching and misinformation going around about "requirements" for the rapture.  Many churches are apostate and going from bad to worse.  The precious faith of the saints is being downgraded, degraded and torn apart.  I myself have fallen prey to bad doctrine and have literally agonized for years over whether I would "escape" in the rapture or harpazo. 

Over the years though, something has nagged on my spirit...I thought to myself  that it seems that what everyone is saying to me is that I have to do something else, something "extra", something more than what was given to me at the moment of my salvation.  Yes, we are to be holy as God is holy for that pleases him.  And becoming more like Christ  is the work of Sanctification and it is a natural consequence of walking with the Lord and learning of Him!  But it is NOT something more or extra that we have to do to make ourselves MORE worthy!  How much more worthy can one be than to have Jesus Christ's righteousness, I mean, isn't He PERFECT?   That my dear brothers and sisters changes the gospel from one of grace to one of works.  There isn't anything more we can add to what's already been done for us because when the transaction took place at the moment of our salvation, all of Christ's righteousness was imputed to us.  It's a "done deal." 

I myself and going to choose to rest and marinate in this reality and I now refuse to be tempted, carried away and always agonizing over whether I am good enough or holy enough to make it.  Knowing your Bible, knowing your doctrine and being in the Word in systematic study is the best way to not be deceived by false doctrine or that which tickles the ears!  I came across a short study by Jack Kelly which really helps put this in perspective.  I pray you find comfort in reading this:

I suspect I am going to be attacked by some for stating what the Lord put on my heart to say but I have to speak the Truth in love...this has been on my heart for the past three years...and now the time is very short.  If you are trusting in anything else other than the finished work of Jesus Christ crucified, and what that means for you, then you are trusting in another kind of salvation and another Jesus and a false gospel.  Don't be deceived, we know from God's Word that in these last days there are all kinds of bad teachings and doctrines of demons--they abound!  There are many, many wolves in sheep's clothing who claim to be Christian but they are not.  They infiltrate all the churches to deceive, they are all over the internet and yes...some even on this site!  Jesus said it would be so.   Go back to the basics, reaffirm what you believe, reaffirm your basic doctrines of the Christian Faith and STAND on them!

Blessings everyone, Jesus is coming soon.  Make sure you are on the narrow path a fully RESTING in his finished work!

Lynn F.