KML (6 July 2014)
"Un-Invited Guests"

Dear Doves
This message is shunned in our present day generation.
A message titled " The Wicked Shall Be Turned Into Hell "
Psalms 9:17 KJV and all the nations that forget God.
There are TWO questions we all should ask ourselves and those we love who may be lost.
1. Who among us shall dwell with devouring fire ?
2. Who among us shall dwell with "everlasting" burning ?
Isaiah 33:14 KJV

All of humanity are, according to God, "Un-Invited Guests."
God created Hell for the angels that sinned, not man; But, if man does not choose Jesus Christ as his savior, then he or she must go there.
This message was preached by Evangelist Mike Hutsell at youth camp.

I was blessed and I wept. I pray you too will be blessed and share this video with those you love.

God Bless You